neo4jphp copied to clipboard
PHP wrapper of the Neo4j REST interface
I am creating node with one of the property with array values and trying to index that property. Trying to search nodes using index for some value, but gives zero...
Call to a member function getTransport() on array in C:\xampp\htdocs\purplle\application\libraries\Everyman\Neo4j\Command.php on line 101 I am not able to figure this out. Lines of code are:: $client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);...
Hi All, Can anyone used any method to get relationship id from a node. $node = $client->getNode(12); $relations = $node->getRelationships(); I need all relationship ids for node id 12. Thanks...
I've been having issues with Curl for the last few days, in `Transport\Curl.php`. In order to identify the issue, I updated the exception thrown when `$response === false` in `makeRequest()`....
Hi I have tried the two methods to batch create nodes with labels an non of them work fast enough.. startBatch() works fast but cannot create nodes with labels. beginTransaction()...
its rly cool that i can set my own nodeFactory! I want use different node class for different labels. For example if i have label Movie i want create MovieNode,...
Added room for curl options. Our motiv was to be able to use an SSL backend with a self-signed certificate, thus adding ``` php $transport->setExtraCurlOptions(array( CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST =>...
Getting "Invalid authorization token supplied" (Neo.ClientError.Security.AuthorizationFailed) error
I'm using Getting started code: Server has, 7473 is http port. I'm using neo4jphp: > use Everyman\Neo4j\Client, Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query; > $neo4j = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7473); > $neo4j->getTransport()->setAuth('...', '...'); >...
As of 2.1.5, id and labels are available as metadata for nodes. If they exist, use them instead of parsing the id from the entity uri.
hi, i would like to log my queries together with the execution time and results count. i can't find any place in the code i could hook into. would it...