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PHP wrapper of the Neo4j REST interface
Hi. I've two suggestion to improve speed of curl connection. 1. Class Transport constructor should call `gethostbyname()` if the host isn't IP. It will resolve hostname to IP and it's...
There is a bug when json encoding float values inside array: Ex "bbox":[-66.11667,-11,-66.11667,-11] ex -11 -> -11 but in order to accomplish to we need to have -11.0 to...
Updated compser.json and fixed unit test
Hi all, I run a Cypher like this "MATCH (tom:Person {name: "Tom Hanks"})-[r:ACTED_IN]->(tomHanksMovies) RETURN r.roles,tomHanksMovies". Expect it return a result set where r.roles is array and tomHanksMovies is node. But...
To prevent error "Internal error - should have used fall back to execute query, but something went horribly wrong" after setLabels command replace string (51) at Everyman/Neo4j/Command/SetLabels.php $query = "START...
When a query returns a collect() column, the collection is (surprisingly!) returned as an instance of Everyman\Neo4j\Query\Row. This class seems neither convertible to an array without running a loop over...
CURL requests are not specifying SSL certificates and thus fails to connect. Parameter `$options[CURLOPT_CAINFO]` should be specified in **Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl.php**, function `makeRequest`. (see
I am trying to store array as a property but not able to query with that.. My array is $hashtags_ids = [364,430,560,333,329]; Using php code to save this property.. $node->setProperty('hashtags',...