Jacques Crocker
Jacques Crocker
oh, umm.. nah. i dont think its important to suggest templates
This is definitely blocking my usage of SWC. I can't imagine having to go back to plain CSS for all my components... that seems so incredibly backwards.
Would love the ability to use this with Sequel also. I like the model of sister gems for compatibility. In the meantime I'm just monkey patching `array_like?`. Very suboptimal but...
This seems pretty useful!
@UbermenschJO after trying this PR, it totally breaks cookie handling. as in, cookies set no longer are usable within the webview itself. So you log in once, and then next...
@UbermenschJO nevermind, not your codes problem. when setting sendCookies option to true, things break. even on master branch. Shared Cookie handling with this component is pretty busted.
Any thoughts on this? https://github.com/CRAlpha/react-native-wkwebview/pull/67 I'm using WkWebView to reuse my website's authentication system (fairly complex and cant easily be extracted into an api / oauth flow). So I'll need...
@BlackSword101 any luck resolving this? Does it work on plain RN `WebView`?
on inspection, I think the ERB loading (https://github.com/sgruhier/capistrano-db-tasks/blob/master/lib/capistrano-db-tasks/database.rb#L64) needs to pull in the ENV variables from the server. Or maybe it can be executed within the scope of the project...
sort of dumb, but I got this to work: ``` @cap.run(%{ruby -rerb -e 'puts ERB.new(File.read("#{@cap.current_path}/config/database.yml")).result'}) do |c, s, d| @config += d end ```