atom-git-control copied to clipboard
disabling a button
Hello, I want to dynamically enable/disable commit button when there is no commit message in it. I am working with other people. and I want to intervene them to make commits without a message.
Here you see the edited code of file.
I added the css features of 'inactive class' to button in dialog.less file as well.
And when I change the class of button down there in this commit-dialog code to "inactive" by myself, it looks like just how i want it, when it is disabled.
But I want to dynamically enable/disable that button, depending on if there is an entry on commit line.
I tried to add some noMessage function as you can see down there in order to change in dynamically, but some how it didn't work. I think, I either don't know how to refer to that button in my noMessage function (which I tried by adding an outlet to the button), or need a javascript function to check if the text area in the upper part is filled.
Can anybody help me about it? Thanks in advance
Dialog = require './dialog'
module.exports =
class CommitDialog extends Dialog
@content: ->
@div class: 'dialog', =>
@div class: 'heading', =>
@i class: 'icon x clickable', click: 'cancel'
@strong 'Commit'
@div class: 'body', =>
@label 'Commit Message'
@textarea class: 'native-key-bindings', outlet: 'msg', keyUp: 'colorLength'
@div class: 'buttons', =>
@button class: 'active', outlet:'enabling', click: 'commit', =>
@i class: 'icon commit'
@span 'Commit'
@button click: 'cancel', =>
@i class: 'icon x'
@span 'Cancel'
activate: ->
return super()
colorLength: ->
too_long = false
for line, i in @msg.val().split("\n")
if (i == 0 && line.length > 50) || (i > 0 && line.length > 80)
too_long = true
if too_long
noMessage: ->
no_message = false
for line, i in @msg.val().split("\n")
if (line.length < 1)
no_message = true
if no_message
commit: ->
getMessage: ->
return "#{@msg.val()} "
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