json-fortran copied to clipboard
json parse failed
Hello! I used your library to make a telegram bot, but the response from the getMe method is parsed with an error.
OS: Linux Mint 21.2 x86_64 Kernel: 5.15.0-79-generic CPU: Intel i5-10400F (12) @ 4.300GHz Compiler: gfortran 11.4.0
Libraries used
without http_client
program main
use json_module, only: json_file
implicit none
type(json_file) :: json
character(:), allocatable :: jsn_string
jsn_string = '{"ok":true,"result":{"id":12345678,"is_bot":true,' // &
'"first_name":"pavel","username":"durov",' // &
'"can_join_groups":true,"can_read_all_group_messages":false,' // &
call json%initialize()
call json%deserialize(jsn_string)
print*, json%failed() ! T
end program
with http_client
program main
use json_module, only: json_file
use http, only : request, response_type, HTTP_POST, pair_type
implicit none
character(:), allocatable :: TOKEN
character(:), allocatable :: api_url
character(:), allocatable :: payload
type(json_file) :: json
! http variables
type(pair_type), allocatable :: req_header(:)
type(response_type) :: response
! telegram bot valid token variable
! prepare request
payload = "{}"
api_url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot"//TOKEN//"/getMe"
req_header = [pair_type('Content-Type', 'application/json')]
! send request
response = request(api_url, method=HTTP_POST, data=payload, header=req_header)
call json%initialize()
call json%deserialize(response%content)
print*, json%failed() ! T
end program
The first one works fine for me. What compiler/platform are you using?