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Potential minor improvements on Creating an open source Python project from scratch
You seem very cool with receiving feedback on this very cool blog, so I will drop in some observations/suggestions :-) Please feel free to ignore any that don't make sense!
codecov v1 of
will be deprecated early next year. v2 was a straight forward drop-in for me, although I had to specify xml output for pytest insetup.cfg
addopts = --cov=pyGPA --cov-report=term --cov-report=xml
- I believe you were already aware that your suggestion to use numpydoc docstrings is well-received, but that info on enabling sphinx.ext.napoleon or something similar to render them correctly in documentation is missing.
- Something that would have helped me enormously in the readthedocs piece: make sure to update your packages before rendering locally, or to pin dependency versions to prevent unpleasant surprises.
- seems to push for a
in combination with asetup.cfg
. My understanding of PEP 517 and 518 doesn't go far enough to understand the implications of all this, but the contrast between your post and stood out. It might be something to at least mention? (Although I understand you don't want to sum all possible alternatives everywhere...)