elm-font-awesome icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
elm-font-awesome copied to clipboard

Font Awesome vector icons as Elm HTML components

Font Awesome for Elm

Use the incredible Font Awesome vector icon library without leaving the comfort of your Elm environment.

This library exposes scalable vector icons as Elm HTML components.

Check out the Font Awesome website linked above to see what the icons look like.

How to use?

Check the complete example here.

Every Font Awesome icons automatically inherits CSS size and colors from their parents.

import FontAwesome.Regular as RegularIcon
import FontAwesome.Brands as BrandsIcon
import FontAwesome.Solid as SolidIcon

view _ =
        [ style [ ( "width", "100px" ) ] ]
        [ div [ style [ ( "color", "red" ) ] ] [ RegularIcon.address_book ]
        , br [] []
        , div [ style [ ( "width", "300px" ) ] ] [ SolidIcon.address_book ]
        , br [] []
        , div [ style [ ( "color", "blue" ) ] ] [ BrandsIcon.fa_500px ]