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arduino-cli copied to clipboard

Deprecate in favor of PlatformIO?

Open matiasmorant opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

Do you know PlatformIO? I have been using it with great pleasure with sublime text. Even their compiler works better (the compiler used by Arduino IDE has some bugs).

Does this package do something more/better than PlatformIO? If not, it would probably be a good idea to deprecate it in favor of PlatformIo, to avoid software fragmentation.

matiasmorant avatar Aug 20 '18 19:08 matiasmorant

What do you mean by software fragmentation? @wvlia5

sdaitzman avatar Aug 20 '18 20:08 sdaitzman

@sdaitzman by software fragmentation I mean when you have several different pieces of software that all do the same thing. Instead of having a dozen half-made solutions, each with their own set of bugs, we could have a single, better tool.

matiasmorant avatar Aug 20 '18 21:08 matiasmorant

@wvlia5 there's a universe of open software in the world, and I don't think adding more software detracts from the other software. This codebase is completely in the open (albeit without any clear licensing as far as I can tell), while a significant portion of PlatformIO is proprietary. This software is seemingly largely abandoned, given its lack of commits for well over a year.

I have no objections to the idea of deprecating a project, and I don't even think this project is particularly important not to deprecate, but I really disagree with the idea that we can somehow consolidate all development efforts in a few places to increase our global efficiency, and that the project we should do that for is closed-source.

Anyway, I'm a PlatformIO user and I do think it's more useful than this in general, but I vote for not deprecating this if it still works as expected.

sdaitzman avatar Aug 20 '18 21:08 sdaitzman