Jacob Parker

Results 41 issues of Jacob Parker

When working in a monorepo (like this - https://github.com/jacobp100/technicalc-core), the build will only start when you open a file in one of the packages, and will only build that package....

Document configs that may need to be turned on for this library to work as expected https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element - [windowSoftInputMode](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/layout-element#wsoft)

help wanted
Platform: Android

If executing multiple commands, it'd be nice to run `gr -`, then an interactive shell comes up that lets you run any commands over all the repos

One idea is for each property to be able to be set/unset on the component at the top level, in the section, and/or in the row. I.e. ```js ``` So...

help wanted

Add support for the default iOS table cells Basically fork the main JS component, remove all the windowing code, add a `title` and an optional `subtitle` prop to `sectionData` On...

help wanted

help wanted

Suggestion, ``` css @define-placeholder gigantic { font-size: 40em; @media (max-width: 600px) { font-size: 20em; } } ``` Or, ``` css @define-placeholder gigantic { font-size: 40em; } @extend-placeholder (max-width: 600px) gigantic...

[View formatted RFC](https://github.com/jacobp100/rfcs/blob/main/0000-use-state-derived-state.md)

CLA Signed

We can get RN to use the size of the symbol when doing layouts using shadow nodes. We do something similar in react-native-safe-area-context - where when you set margin, padding,...

https://ag-grid.atlassian.net/browse/AG-9528 https://ag-grid.atlassian.net/browse/AG-11561 A lot of duplication again - I want to get labels and some other features in before refactoring