curlymail icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
curlymail copied to clipboard

Lightweight email sending with mustache templates support for messages


Lightweight SMTP email sending with mustache templates support for messages, it's built on top of Hogan.js and Emailjs, and runs on Node.js

Usage example:

var curlymail = require('curlymail');

// add a email account and connect it to its SMTP server
curlymail.addAccount( 'main', {
    user: '[email protected]',
    password: 'PA55W0RD'

// add a message template with mustaches
curlymail.addTemplate('weekly', {
    from:    "{{appname}}",
    to:      "{{username}} <{{email}}>",
    subject: "Testing curlyMail",
    html:    "<html>{{filename}} is ready for download</html>",
    attachments: [
        {path:"path/to/photo.jpg", name:"renames.jpg"}

// data to render the template
var data = {
    username: 'Mr. Code',
    email: '[email protected]',
    appname: 'curlymail co.',
    filename: 'Timetable',
    // _attachments in render data will be added to message without being rendering
    _attachments: [
        {path:"path/to/", name:""}

// send a message
curlymail.send( 'main', 'weekly', data, function (err, msg) {
    console.log( err || msg );


npm install curlymail


Copy demo/accountSample.json in demo/account.json and add your mail account config to the new file. Then run:

npm run demo

curlymail API

  • addTemplate
  • addAccount
  • send

addTemplate( key, template )

Add or overwrite a message template.


  • key String: template keyname
  • template Object: mail template

Curlymail use Hogan.js for template rendering. Uses the same headers Emailjs, but this adds the html message properly as an attached document and will generate text message from HTML if text not passed.


curlymail.addTemplate( 'welcomeMail', {
    from: "{{appname}}", // required
    to: "{{username}} <{{email}}>", // required
    cc: "[email protected], [email protected]",
    bcc: "[email protected]",
    subject: "testing emailjs",
    html:    "<html>Hello {{username}}!</html>",
    text:    "Hello {{username}}!",
    attachments: [
        {path:"./", name:""}

addAccount( key, options )

Add an email account and connect it to its SMTP server.


  • key String: keyname
  • options Object: account credentials
  • Return Object: curlymail

Returns curlyMail when finish, so you can chain methods Same options as Emailjs

Connection options:

  • user: username for logging into smtp
  • password: password for logging into smtp
  • host: smtp host
  • port: smtp port (if null a standard port number will be used)
  • ssl: boolean or object {key, ca, cert} (if true or object, ssl connection will be made)
  • tls: boolean or object (if true or object, starttls will be initiated)
  • timeout: max number of milliseconds to wait for smtp responses (defaults to 5000)
  • domain: domain to greet smtp with (defaults to os.hostname)


curlymail.addAccount( 'main', {
    user: '[email protected]',
    password: 'PA55W0RD',
    host: '',
    ssl: true
}).addAccount( 'secondary', { ... });

send( account, template, data, callback )

Send message from a mail account


  • account String: account key
  • template String|Object: template key or template object
  • data Object: data for template rendering
  • callback Function: Signature: err, message


curlymail.send( 'mainAccount', 'welcomeMail', {}, function (err) {
    console.log( err || msg );

Note: _attachments field in data object will be added to message

Template rendering

See mustache

Email server connection and attachments options

See emailjs

Build docs

npm run build-docs

© 2015 Jacobo Tabernero - jacoborus

Released under MIT License