CleanArchitectureTemplate copied to clipboard
A template for a dotnet core api / mvc "clean architecture" project.
NOTE: this project is no longer maintained. It uses an old version of .Net Core and maybe other outdated libraries. Please use it only for learning purposes.
Clean Architecture Template
My interpretation of a clean architecture project setup for an MVC & API project.
Please read the Wiki to learn more about Clean Architecture and the project setup of this package.
To install the template so you can use it with dotnet new
dotnet new --install JacobsApps.CleanArchitectureProjectTemplate.CSharp
Now choose which project type you want to create and execute the following command:
dotnet new cleanarchitecture --use-case [enter use-case here]
Execute the following command with the correct parameter to create the solution you want:
dotnet new cleanarchitecture --use-case {project type}
### CLI options
Option | Description
--- | ---
-uc / --use-case | which project type(s) to install
### Project types
Type | Description
--- | ---
emptyapi | A clean Api project
fullapi | A full Api project with sample code
emptyweb | A clean Web project
fullweb | A full Web project with sample code
emptyblazor | A clean Blazor project
fullblazor | A full Blazor project with sample code
emptyfull | A clean project with an Api, Blazor and Web project
all | A full project with an Api, Blazor and a Web project, including TODO sample code
# Docker / docker-compose
Go to the 'projectname.Api' folder and execute the following command:
```docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up --build```
to run the Api in docker.
Go to the 'projectname.Web' folder and execute the following command:
```docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up --build```
to run the Website in docker.
# Release Notes
> ## v2.6.3 (06/22/2020)
> - Added multiple solution files
> - Every solution should work from GitHub now
> ## v2.6.2 (03/24/2020)
> - Cleaner integration test code.
> - Fixed issue with empty web.
> ## v2.6.1 (03/17/2020)
> - Fixed issue with full web samples.
> ## v2.6.0 (03/12/2020)
> - Better templating (different options to choose from)
> - Create, Build & Test all project types in devops before publishing
> ## v2.5.0 (03/08/2020)
> - Included a default .editorconfig
> - Better templating (different options to choose from)
> - Latest package versions
> - Added Docker & docker-compose files
> ## v2.4.1 (02/12/2020)
> - fixed some minor SonarQube issues
> ## v2.4.0 (02/12/2020)
> - Updated to .NET Core 3.1
> - Added Blazor UI
> ## v2.3.0 (09/27/2019)
> - More changes and improvements for .NET Core 3.0
> - Removed pagination, never using it
> - Restructured project locations
> ## v2.2.3 (09/25/2019)
> - Disabled nullable (new C# 8 feature)
> ## v2.2.2 (09/25/2019)
> - Fixing issues with razor + core 3.0
> - Fixing issues with integration tests (added custom web factory)
> - Added test data for Integration tests
> ## v2.2.1 (09/24/2019)
> - Updgrade to .NET Core 3.0
> - Upgraded all packages
> ## v2.1.0 (03/18/2019)
> - Switched back to .NET Core 2.2
> - Downgraded coverlet due to build issues with latest version
> ## v2.0.0 (03/13/2019)
> - Upgrade to .NET Core 3.0 (Which is still in preview!)
> - Renamed handlers, queries and commands
> - Added event / event handler
> ## v.1.3.4 (02/26/2019)
> - Added logging (ILoggingFactory)
> - Added application settings + builder
> ## v1.3.3 (02/11/2019)
> - Added reusable paged data handler for pagination with sample
> - Added a generic CachedRepositoryDecorator to create cached repositories.
> ## v1.3.2 (02/08/2019)
> - Added more unit tests
> - Added sonar cloud code analysis
> ## v1.3.1 (02/07/2019)
> - Added link to the wiki
> - Added a unit test for a view model
> - code cleanup
> ## v1.3.0 (02/06/2019)
> - Updated README with links
> - Removed ValuesController
> - Added integration tests and unit tests
> - Updated test fixtures to use fake data with integration tests
> - Added Refit for Api integration tests
> ## v1.2.0 (02/06/2019)
> - Added repository + mediator to Web project
> - Added ToDo page to Web project
> - Added Due date to fake data
# ToDo
* Create a runnable start project (runnable before creating the package)
* Run tests inside docker build
# Links
## Clean Architecture
- [Clean Architecture explained by Uncle Bob](
- [Clean Architecture Cheat Sheet (PDF)](
- [A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core (Steve Smith/Ardalis)](
- [Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles (Pluralsight)](
## DDD
- [CQRS with DDD (Kamil Grzybek)](
## Used packages
- [Mediatr - Simple mediator implementation in .NET](
- [LinqBuilder - LinqBuilder is based on the specification pattern](
## Others
- [How to create dotnet new templates](
# Books
- [Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design (Robert C. Martin Series)](