Jacob Prince-Bieker
Jacob Prince-Bieker
Data is being pushed to here for training: https://huggingface.co/datasets/openclimatefix/gfs-reforecast which contains/will conatin raw observations, processed observations, GFS operational forecasts, and FNL Analysis files on 0.25 degree grids for 2016-2022. As...
Also, just got a model training on 0.25 degree analysis file data for 2016-01-01. It learns things and fits on an 8GB 2070 laptop GPU if downsampling to 1 degree...
Hi, really interesting project! Currently, we've been focused on regional and national forecasts for the UK's National Grid, but starting in July we are planning on also building out creating...
https://github.com/4castRenewables/climetlab-plugin-a6 Is a plugin that has high-res NWPs and wind power generation from parts of Germany
Also, this paper uses ecmwrf ensemble global model which we could try with our gfs or gefs forecast data, hrrr and mrms data, which I'm already collecting and transforming for...
Another similar kinda one using ground observations to correct ECMWF forecasts for 2m temperature and precipitation, could do similar, with the gauge-corrected rainfall rates over the whole US that are...
That draft looks great! I cobbled together a script from what was here before, so its very not optimal and very hacky. So yeah, anything is an improvement over that!
I would go back to 2014, as that's where our satellite data goes back to at the moment. NWPs are only 2016 for met office but we can get GFS...
@devsjc So I don't have the best idea of the whole thing, I hacked that script together to get data in the RSS field, but hadn't gotten around to understanding...