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Various tools to process the D programming language

Results 7 dlp issues
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The DMD frontend version used by DLP is starting to show its age. I'm currently have the problem that I can't use std.sumtype. Are there any plans to update the...

Consider two files: a.d: ```d module a; import std.datetime; class A { public void f() { synchronized (this) { } } } ``` b.d: ```d module b; class B {...

I would like to copy & paste the inferred attributes directly into the code. https://dlang.org/dstyle.html, however, recommends: _Attributes should be listed in alphabetical ordering, e.g. const @nogc nothrow pure @safe...


If the `--config` flag is used and it specifies a directory, the following, not so user friendly, error message is shown: ``` dlp infer-attributes --config /snap/dmd/current/bin test.d Is a directory...

If no compiler is installed, this is the error message that is reported: ``` dlp infer-attributes -h No D compiler found. `Use parseImportsFromConfig` manually. ``` Originally reported here: https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/dlp/issues/8#issuecomment-766057599.

The architecture does not seem to be properly configured. For some things, it's configured for 32bit, for some things 64bit. `dlp infer-attributes` shows errors for ```d import std.bitmanip; auto foo(BitArray...

Running DLP on the DMD code base with the following command: ``` dlp infer-attributes -i src --string-import-path res --string-import-path generated/osx/release/64 --version MARS src/dmd/backend/cod1.d ``` Results in the following compile error:...

compile error