quartz copied to clipboard
Ability to have readers leave comments
There is not a way for readers to leave comments on quartz pages, even anonymously.
It would be great if I could encourage discussion about topics on my blog through comments sections.
I've considered using another bit of code found here: https://github.com/aleen42/gitbook-comments but it only works with gitbook.
If there is a community plugin for comments, I have not seen it, but please direct me there.
Thank you for this amazing bit of technology and all your work :-)
I am looking to deploy quartz soon too. Could either of these two work?
https://github.com/giscus/giscus https://github.com/utterance/utterances
They use github discussions/issues for comments.
I've just done it, feels good, feel free to fork https://github.com/rickliujh/techblog
I've just done it, feels good, feel free to fork https://github.com/rickliujh/techblog
I assume you are referring to this commit: https://github.com/rickliujh/techblog/commit/3a63084fc7643367adf99f0e1133672f791bd25b
I'll try to do something similar with https://github.com/utterance/utterances and will report.
Ok, it wasn't too hard :-)
https://github.com/csci-1301/csci-1301.github.io/commit/4fb4f96ef4ef31425329c380d799de61db9e3480 makes utterance's style follow the selected style, but with a caveat (cf. https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/issues/1161 ).
csci-1301/csci-1301.github.io@4fb4f96 makes utterance's style follow the selected style, but with a caveat (cf. #1161 ).
Ok, the issue is solved with https://github.com/csci-1301/csci-1301.github.io/commit/87c4fd44065ed915c0f71d515ff4dbe8251c446b
I've just done it, feels good, feel free to fork https://github.com/rickliujh/techblog
thanks, it works for me 😄
The author said before to add this function, but still did not add, probably he forget it. Although the document is detailed enough, I have no experience with typescript, and the default configuration is good enough for me, so I'll wait for the author add this feature as plugin whenever he had time. @jackyzha0
https://twikoo.js.org/en/ is also a good choice.
Thanks @rickliujh Your commit worked for me
We already have giscus supported in Comments plugins