5217-web icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
5217-web copied to clipboard

5217 - Web



5217, the fantastic productivity timer by Francisco Franco and Liam Spradlin, now on the Web!


Pull requests

This web app uses Webpack to build all of it's dependencies. You shouldn't have any problem with adding files but you will have to use webpack-dev-server. It's available without global installation, just run

$ npm install
$ npm start

Before submitting it's also advised to test your changes after a production build. When you finish your edits, run $ npm run build and serve /dist directory with local server of your choice. Be sure to clear site data as used source-worker might not update it on the first reload!

If you're also adding third-party resources, you should try serving them locally from Node Modules. If that's impossible and you have to add content served from other domains, edit service-worker.js file according to guide below:

How to add external resources

The first step is to add the link in this array:

  /* HERE */

After that you must see:

If the third party server you're using supports cross-site requests and points to a file that won't change (it's a static image, font or points to a specific version), you should add its hostname to this array:

// Those third party resources are also unmutable
  matchURL(['fonts.googleapis.com', 'cdn.jsdelivr.net', 'code.jquery.com', 'fonts.gstatic.com' /* HERE */], { sameOrigin: false }),
    cacheName: 'static-cache',
    plugins: [ new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
      maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 // 2 Months
    }) ]

If the file is mutable but server supports cross-site requests you should add it here: (note that this might be commented out as there's no need for this section now)

// Those can be changed
  matchURL([/* HERE */], { sameOrigin: false }),
    cacheName: 'mutable-cache',
    plugins: [ new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
      maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 // 2 Months
    }) ]

The third case is that the server that you are using doesn't support cross-site requests. Then you should put it here:

// Sadly some send opaque responses which can't be cached
  matchURL([/unpkg.com/ /* HERE */], { sameOrigin: false }),
    cacheName: 'static-cache',
    networkTimeoutSeconds: 60, // If network doesn't respond in a minute, use cache
    plugins: [ new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
      maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 // 2 Months
    }) ]

and also add this attribute to the place where you import the script: crossorigin="anonymous". Such like:

<link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous" href="https://unpkg.com/material-components-web@latest/dist/material-components-web.min.css">

How to find out if server supports cross-site requests?

It's easy - treat it as it would support it and once you have generated the service worker, serve it locally on localhost. It's important because only localhost triggers Workbox' debug mode. If you see a warning like this: Workbox opaque response warning ...then your server does not support cross-site requests.