Jack Sleight

Results 54 comments of Jack Sleight

> I'm just a bit unclear how we'd document this Yeah good point. I guess if it was called something like "Advanced Driver" that might make it clear that it's...

Built in sorting (inc. drag and drop) would also be great. Clients regularly ask how to sort taxonomies.

I really like the idea of being able to have more control over how the collection nav is organised/grouped. Something that's bugged me in the past is that if I...

I had a similar idea a while back: https://github.com/statamic/ideas/issues/458 As Jack said, at the moment it's not really feasible. You can make the field look smaller, but it's tricky to...

Well, that one is closed, so you could leave this open ๐Ÿ˜Š .

Turns out it's very possible with Tiptap 2: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/126740/198254414-a4a8353d-9a80-421b-b8f3-9706afc88320.mp4 Stores and outputs just inline text, no `p` node/element. @jackmcdade Any interest in having this in core (for 3.4+)? Tiptap 2...

Awesome, I'll do a PR. ๐Ÿ‘

Cool. I may look at a PR at some point, but Mix is fine for now. Yeah seems like the async issue is the trickiest problem.

FYI this is now a bit easier with the [bard_text](https://statamic.dev/modifiers/bard_text) modifier: ```antlers {{ content | raw | bard_text | read_time }} ```

I know this doesn't actually switch it off, but I usually hide the Updates (and Addons) links on production with this: ```php if (! app()->environment('local')) { Nav::extend(function ($nav) { $nav->remove('Tools',...