colorbox copied to clipboard
Prevent background scroll on iOS devices
I am using this code to prevent background scrolling
However this doesn't work on iOS devices. Any solutions?
I'm using this one:
To solve this issue I now add the following to my configuration
fixed: true,
onOpen: function() {
var ycoord = $(window).scrollTop();
ycoord = ycoord * -1;
$('body').css('position','fixed').css('left','0px').css('right','0px').css('top',ycoord + 'px');
onClosed: function() {
This stores the current position of the background page and 'display fixed' the background. When we close the modal window we un-'display fixed' the background and make sure we scroll to the right place. The background doesn't appear to move at all.
Thanks @KingWebsites, this is finally the solution I was looking for for a long time! I tried a lot, but I didn't get the idea of setting the body top to the negative scrollTop value. Here’s my vanilla js solution. Call this function on opening and closing your modal:
var bodyScrollTop;
setBodyUnscrollable(value) {
if (value) bodyScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop; = (value) ? 'hidden' : ''; = (value) ? 'fixed' : ''; = (value) ? '0' : ''; = (value) ? '0' : ''; = (value) ? -bodyScrollTop + 'px' : '';
if (!value) document.body.scrollTop = bodyScrollTop;
For sure you can put left, right, overflow and position into a CSS class and then toggle it.
I have tried using
$.colorbox({ ... fixed: true, onOpen: function() { var ycoord = $(window).scrollTop(); $('#colorbox').data('ycoord',ycoord); ycoord = ycoord * -1; $('body').css('position','fixed').css('left','0px').css('right','0px').css('top',ycoord + 'px'); }, onClosed: function() { $('body').css('position','').css('left','auto').css('right','auto').css('top','auto'); $(window).scrollTop($('#colorbox').data('ycoord')); } })
It works fine to stop scroll affect but some how only in Iphone, Ipad Safari browser alone after a scroll up the page and opening the Colorbox is getting applied with a overflow : hidden
CSS. I have tried using onComplete : function() { $('#colorbox').css('overflow', 'visible'); },
but no use.
My Issue is if i do a scroll up in page and open a color box is having added with overflow : hidden which is suppressing the colorbox text to display to user. any suggestions.?
@KingWebsites You are the BOSS!
Thank you very much. Your solution saved my day!