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[ON HOLD] Want design, content, and ux feedback on your web project? Open an issue and I'll do my best to help.

Results 11 five-minute-feedback issues
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Greetings and salutations! I really love the series, I just relaunched my blog and looking for feedback and any tips on the design and writing style. []( Later 🐊!

[]( I tried to do my best here, it would be nice to have some feedback from you, Thanks!

Hopefully we will have our new page up by the time you get to this one! Https:// Thanks Jack! HADOUKEN!

I've tried to make my site as unique as possible, but could use some help.

Hello! I love your videos. Keep up the great work! My name is Josh and I am a front end developer but can't design. lol I currently have a website...

Howdy Jack! Seattle2Go is a website that shows which local businesses in my area have still doing takeout/delivery in this COVID-19 time. The website template was provided to me so...

Hey Jack! I put up a site for my favorite bar/concert venue, and it's about due for a face-lift. I was curious if you could rip it up a bit...

Hey Jack! Looking for some feedback for the webapp I'm working on - []( Specifically, the Page Builder section (Register > Create Website > Pages > Edit). It's still really...

Hi Jack! Really like your idea 👍 I have recently created a dog site called It's developed with Laravel, Vue.js and Tailwindcss. It's a community site for dog owners...