react-native-dialog-component icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-dialog-component copied to clipboard

A react native dialog component support custom animation for IOS & Android.

React Native Dialog Component

React Native Dialog Component for iOS & Android.

Pull request are welcomed. Please follow Airbnb JS Style Guide


Try With Exponent



npm install --save react-native-dialog-component
# OR
yarn add react-native-dialog-component

Exposed Modules

  • DialogManager
  • DialogComponent
  • Dialog
  • DialogContent
  • DialogButton
  • DialogTitle
  • Overlay
  • Animation
  • FadeAnimation
  • ScaleAnimation
  • SlideAnimation



Usage With DialogManager

import DialogManager, { ScaleAnimation, DialogContent } from 'react-native-dialog-component';

  title: 'Dialog',
  titleAlign: 'center',
  animationDuration: 200,
  ScaleAnimation: new ScaleAnimation(),
  children: (
          React Native Dialog Component
}, () => {
  console.log('callback - show');


  title: 'Dialog Updated',
  titleAlign: 'center',
  animationDuration: 200,
  ScaleAnimation: new ScaleAnimation(),
  children: (
          New Content
}, () => {
  console.log('callback - update dialog');


// dismiss dialog
DialogManager.dismiss(() => {
  console.log('callback - dismiss');

dismiss all

DialogManager.dismissAll(() => {
  console.log('callback - dismiss all');

Usage with DialogComponent

import { DialogComponent }from 'react-native-dialog-component';

<View style={styles.container}>
    text="Show Dialog"
    onPress={() => {;
    ref={(dialogComponent) => { this.dialogComponent = dialogComponent; }}

Usage - With Animation

import { DialogComponent, SlideAnimation } from 'react-native-dialog-component';

<View style={styles.container}>
    text="Show Dialog"
    onPress={() => {;
    ref={(dialogComponent) => { this.dialogComponent = dialogComponent; }}
    dialogAnimation = { new SlideAnimation({ slideFrom: 'bottom' }) }

Usage - With Dialog Title

import { DialogComponent, DialogTitle } from 'react-native-dialog-component';

<View style={styles.container}>
    text="Show Dialog"
    onPress={() => {;
    title={<DialogTitle title="Dialog Title" />}
    ref={(dialogComponent) => { this.dialogComponent = dialogComponent; }}

Usage - Wrape the content use DialogContent

import { DialogComponent, DialogTitle } from 'react-native-dialog-component';

<View style={styles.container}>
    text="Show Dialog"
    onPress={() => {;
    dialogTitle={<DialogTitle title="Dialog Title" />}
    ref={(dialogComponent) => { this.dialogComponent = dialogComponent; }}



Prop Type Default Note
title React Element You can pass a DialogTitle component or pass a View for customizing titlebar
width Number Your device width The Width of Dialog, you can use fixed width or use percentage
height Number 300 The Width of Dialog, you can use fixed height or use percentage
dialogAnimation FadeAnimation animation for dialog
dialogStyle Object or Number
animationDuration Number 200
overlayPointerEvents String Available option: auto, none
overlayBackgroundColor String #000
overlayOpacity Number 0.5
dismissOnTouchOutside Bool true When touch overlay will close dialog, but if haveOverlay is false then the dismissOnTouchOutside won't work
dismissOnHardwareBackPress Bool true Only for Android
haveOverlay Bool true If false won't show overlay when dialog show
show Bool false
onShown Function You can pass onShown function as a aallback function, will call the function while dialog shown
onDismissed Function You can pass onDismissed function as a callback function, will call the function while dialog dismissed
actions Array Array of DialogButton component for example: [<DialogButton text="DISMISS", align="center" onPress={this.dismissDialog}/>]


Prop Type Default Note
contentStyle Dialog's content container


Prop Type Default Note
title String
titleStyle Object or Number
titleTextStyle Object or Number
titleAlign String center
haveTitleBar Bool true


Prop Type Default Note
text String
align String center The position of the button. Available option: left, center, right
onPress Function
buttonStyle Object or Number
textStyle Object or Number
textContainerStyle Object or Number
disabled Boolean false
activeOpacity Number


Params for (*)Animation


Param Type Default Note
toValue Number 0
animationDuration Number 150


Param Type Default Note
toValue Number 0


Param Type Default Note
toValue Number 0
slideFrom String bottom Available option: top, bottom, left, right