homeassistant-config copied to clipboard
This is very much a work in progress for me - any questions, I'm usually on the Discord Channel and will be happy to help!
Home Assistant configuration
This is my Home Assistant configuration, I'm currently running . ~~It is installed on a Raspberry Pi 3, using the Hassio Installer, on a 16 GB card~~ After a change in home systems I now run the Home Assistant Docker image on my UnRaid server, it was sitting there, it seemed silly not to :) . I use a Smart Things Hub for both Z-Wave, and Zigbee control.
On the Server itself I run
Home Assistant with the following addons:
- Duck DNS for enabling external access via a DNS
- FireTV Server for enabling me to add my fire-tv's as media players
- My Git Pull Script
- Mosquitto Broker MQTT Broker to receive and pass all my mqtt devices into Hass.IO
- PS4WakerBridge I'm still playing with this, but hoping to link in my PS4 wake-up
- SSH server to allow me to ssh into my instance
- SmartThings Bridge links my SmartThings Hub into home assistant which allows me to operate all my z-wave and zig-bee devices, this then forwards everything to the MQTT Broker
The devices, services, and software I use (with HA)
Hardware Components
Samsung SmartThings Hub linking through:
Fibaro Motion Sensor
- One covering the hallway
- One still to be assigned
Fibaro Dimmers
- One controlling the Front Room Main Light
- One controlling the Living Room Main Light
- One controlling the Bedroom Main Light
- One still to be installed in the Kitchen Spotlights
Xiaomi Motion Sensor
- One in the Living Room
- One in the Bathroom which isn't currently working for some reason? Out of range
- One in the Bedroom
- One still to be assigned
Samsung SmartThings Multi Sensor
- Positioned on the front door
Samsung SmartThings Motion Sensor
- No idea? - Need to find this one
Samsung SmartThings Plug
- Monitoring power usage on the Perfect Prep
Fibaro Motion Sensor
- Media
- TVs - put in Sony model details
Logitech Harmony Ultimate
- Still playing around with this, currently in the Living Room, however with my TV using HDMI CEC, and the only source being Fire TV it seems slightly redundant?
Sony Playstation 4
- Need to get this fully working but PS4 Waker to turn this on will be handy while I'm at work to make sure it's got the latest updates on games for when I get home
Fire TV Stick
- One sat behind the Bedroom TV
- One sat behind the Living Room TV
Fire TV 4k
- One sat behind the Front Room TV
Broadlink RF Mini
- Currently in the Bedroom, as the TV up there is older than the two Sony's and can't be added as a component. This allows basic control of it.
Sonos Play:1
- One in the Bedroom that isn't really being used at the minute.
Sonos Play:3
- Same as the Play:3 isn't in use currently, until google integrates assistant with them there a little moth-balled
Google Home Mini
- Located in the:
- Front Room
- Living Room
- Bedroom
- Shed
- Located in the:
Google Home
- Currently in the Front Room, although this might change if I can utilise the Sonos in there for music at some point.
- Lighting
- Security
- Misc
- Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum
- Nest Thermostat
- Raspberry Pi with Octoprint and Webcam
- Sonoff Basic x3
Software Components
- Bayesian Sensor
- Light Group
- Google Map Travel Times
- Speedtest
- Template Sensor
- Statistic Sensor
- Time Sensor
- YR Weather Sensor
- Dark Sky Weather
- Dark Sky Weather Sensor
- Mjpeg Sensor
- Google TTS
- OwnTracks
- nMap
- Octoprint Hub
- Octoprint Binary Sensor
- Octoprint Sensor
- Xiamoi Vacuum
- Nest Hub
- Nest Binary Sensor
- Nest Camera
- Nest Sensor
- Nest Thermostat
- Google Assistant
- Google Calendar
- Philips Hue Bridge
Other software
Software that's run through my server and feeds into the rest of my HA setup
Presence detection
Currently I run a Bayesian Sensor that monitors both Owntracks and nMap
Template sensors
Future plans
General I add ideas and plans to the issues tab...However my general goal is to move away from remote control home to full automation.