PokemonGoBot copied to clipboard
Invalid credential
I have insert in config.properties this line:
# PTC/Google login credentials
[email protected]
# Choose plaintext or base64'd password
# Token to login directly
I have error of invalid credentials, but my credentials are right
Version: pogo.scraper-all-0.5.0-alpha2
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Java version:
[Full output of java -version
Have you tried logging into the app, and seeing if you are still able to access your account?
Yes! I have able to log from app without problem :)
Same issue, still doesn't work to me with Google Login (0.5.0-alpha2), it returns:
Server refused your login credentials. Are they correct?
Tried two different Google accounts and one PTC, the PTC works fine.
Edit: able to login and play using the app.
I think that problem is two step authentication. Try to disable it and log on server
Is your token field empty? If not delete the token and retry
mine says get user to go to :null press :null what do i do?
I have resolved problem with disable of two step auth
go to :null press :null
This is a bug and will hopefully be fixed and reuploaded soon. That's all I get too and there is no token in my config and 2 step auth is turned off.
I don't have 2 step auth and having the same issue with Google Login
That's exactly what I wrote. It's not just you, it's a current issue in 0.4.3 and 0.4.2. Hopefully a fix is soon uploaded for those of us that don't wish to use 0.5.0.
It's happening to me with 0.4.3, 0.5.0-alpha and 0.5.0-alpha2
my servers are still working and thanks man
is anyone actually botting on there main?
If you want to use 2-factor authorization, you need to create an app password, not sure if this will work, but it should. Go to this and enter you email and password if need be. Expand drop down menu for 'Select app', select 'other', enter "Bot on windows" or whatever then press generate, make sure you copy it to clipboard.
Replace the password you are using in the config (Your main google password) with the password you just generated.
one last question where do i go to do :null lol
It's a bug, version 0.5.0 alpha 2 has the fix.
alpha 2 has a bug too lol
There is a reason it's alpha. Lol
true lol oh well i can wait :D whoever is coding it is doing a great job. PTC works perfect tho wish i could link my gmail to ptc
Getting #592 here.
@tayjaf Are you using 2 step authorization?
@omar972 No.
@tayjaf If you have a token in the config as well as your username and password, delete the username and password. If you don't have a token, you can generate one using curl or just use an older build of the bot to generate a token.
same issue, unfortunately i have no idea how to generate a token using curl, i tried to google it but no luck
Well, google how to install curl and then use the command
curl "https://android.clients.google.com/auth" --data "Email=REPLACE_WITH_EMAIL&Passwd=REPLACE_WITH_PASSWORD&service=ac2dm&add_account=1"
There should be a line "token=..................................." that would be it.
For those of you not wanting to use curl (personally had issues with google's android auth link) and have cloned the source code you can replace the credentials property located on line 33 of the settings.kt with:
credentials = GoogleAutoCredentials("YOUREMAILHERE", "YOURPASSWORDHERE"),
This unfortunately was the only thing to resolve the problem of "not having the right credentials" with google authentication that I have been getting on all versions of this project. Currently only have errors with walkingloop occasionally, but that is a different matter entirely. Hope this helps some people.
I'm getting the same issue on Pokemon Account, not Google Account.
@Killertom63 If you are still having troubles and are willing to edit the source code, try what I commented earlier except for the PTC credentials on line 33 in the settings.kt file:
credentials = PtcCredentials("YOURUSERNAME", "YOURPASSWORD"),
This might work as a potential workaround if you are cloning the source code. 100% works for google login for me (I just stash this code and update to develop periodically), I do not have a PTC login to test with though. Otherwise make 100% sure you are putting in the correct info for the PTC login. Hope this helps.
@zjkipping still same problem for google login. I've changed like you sayd:
credentials = GoogleAutoCredentials("mywmail", "mypassword"),
but still having back this message:
31 Jul 22:44:29: Logging in to game server... 31 Jul 22:44:30: Server refused your login credentials. Are they correct?
@Evuse Make sure you do not have 2 step authorization for your google account or if you do get the proper password to bypass it/turn it off, Also make sure you rebuilt the source code. After that I have no clue unfortunately, this seems to have worked for my set of issues.