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15 Hour run/ Inventory overflow/ Ignored item limit/ Ignored min Cp and autotransfer.

Open Kegoscho opened this issue 8 years ago • 23 comments

I ran the programm 15h or so and observed a strange behavior. For the first few hours (like 10 maybe) it was fine reached lvl 18 (this morning). But after the last 5 hours i just gained 2 lvl. Also the bot ignored pokestops and wild Pokemon Logged into the game.

config.properties is the default one.

Inventory 843/350

Item limit: item_revive=20 item_max_revive=10 item_potion=0 item_super_potion=30 item_hyper_potion=50 item_max_potion=50 item_poke_ball=50 item_great_ball=50 item_ultra_ball=50 item_master_ball=50 item_razz_berry=50

instead it looked something like this item_revive=90 item_max_revive=0 item_potion=110 item_super_potion=76 item_hyper_potion=140 item_max_potion=0 item_poke_ball=190 item_great_ball=80 item_ultra_ball=18 item_master_ball=0 item_razz_berry=130

My Poke bag: many many Pinsir/Golbat/Goldeen/Clefairy/Zubat min_Cp was set to 400 but got many 50-300 CP in my bag

Version: Pokemon Go Bot v0.4.3

Operating System: Windows 7

Java version: java version "1.8.0_45" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

Kegoscho avatar Jul 27 '16 14:07 Kegoscho

Inventory 843/350


jabbink avatar Jul 27 '16 14:07 jabbink

@jabbink Happens if you get level rewards. It exceeds the limit

pashorizer avatar Jul 27 '16 14:07 pashorizer

If you want to be certain it doesn't hang for whatever reason in the middle of the night it might be a good idea to make a bat file to launch the Bot, and hook that bat file up to windows task scheduler and make it relaunch every hour. (You will also need a bat script to close the bot.) @Kegoscho

I do this even while the bot runs perfectly for me in case of server issues.

Offline-R503B avatar Jul 27 '16 14:07 Offline-R503B

@jabbink got 843 Items in my 350 Inventory space =) @pashorizer ah ok thx @sodanakin ok I´ll give it a try.

Kegoscho avatar Jul 27 '16 14:07 Kegoscho

@Kegoscho Heres some examples http://puu.sh/qgiTe/37f990521f.zip . When making the task in windows task scheduler make sure to set the killscripts on top of the launcher so it will execute the kills first.

heres some pics from my setup : https://i.imgur.com/zgGUcwL.png https://i.imgur.com/QfXFchy.png (the order is kill1 kill2 kill3 kill4 launch bot for me, had to remove names cus were account names)

Offline-R503B avatar Jul 27 '16 15:07 Offline-R503B


The fact that you kill the bot at every hour and reopen it at every hour and you appear in the exact same place every hour thus causing a jump in GPS depending on where the bot was at when you closed it doesn't that make you feel like it's easy to trace and may get banned?

Simpuhl avatar Jul 27 '16 15:07 Simpuhl

@Simpuhl it's easy to trace regardless.

A simple query of "Show me the players who catch more than one pokemon in 12 seconds" will result in everyone's "ban"

Agronis avatar Jul 27 '16 15:07 Agronis


That is true, I wish we could some how add delays in between catches and evolves etc.

Simpuhl avatar Jul 27 '16 15:07 Simpuhl

@sodanakin what process do you kill in the batch file "kill4"? Kill4 wasn't in the zip you uploaded so I was just wondering what process you killed in that one.

uk-shahj avatar Jul 27 '16 19:07 uk-shahj

Due to some unstability issues with servers I would recommend adding option to auto-relaunch jarfile every 30 minutes or so (and killing previos one).

ArtursGailis1995 avatar Jul 27 '16 19:07 ArtursGailis1995


i do not recommend this because then your character would auto jump gps locations every 30 minutes.

Simpuhl avatar Jul 27 '16 20:07 Simpuhl

Correct me if I´m wrong but this:

autotransfer=true //auto transfer duplicate pokemon keep_pokemon_amount=1 //minimum amount of pokemon transfer_cp_threshold=400 transfer_iv_threshold=80

should mean that after a while there should be every Pokemon (CP>400 and iv>80) im my Bag .. but only one of each and no duplicate Pokemon right ?

Kegoscho avatar Jul 27 '16 21:07 Kegoscho

@simpuhl the bot only jumps around your set location.

michaeldajnowicz avatar Jul 27 '16 21:07 michaeldajnowicz

keep_pokemon_amount=0 for no duplicates (wrong) Actually you will have duplicates. This setting was originally for keeping a set amount of pokemon. See my comment below for no duplicate approach.

pashorizer avatar Jul 27 '16 21:07 pashorizer

@pashorizer well XD thanks a lot

Kegoscho avatar Jul 27 '16 21:07 Kegoscho

Interesting, I thought 1 was to keep minimum of 1

Simpuhl avatar Jul 27 '16 21:07 Simpuhl

Yeah the config is getting rich by now and some of the names are not really declarative... With keep_pokemon_amount=1 you will keep the highest rated one, but also have the possibility to get duplicates.

https://github.com/jabbink/PokemonGoBot/blob/develop/config.properties.template#L79-L80 There is also this option max_pokemon_amount=-1

pashorizer avatar Jul 27 '16 22:07 pashorizer

@Kegoscho also if you just re-run the script it should auto transfer/drop pokemons that the bot didn't pick up before.

michaeldajnowicz avatar Jul 27 '16 22:07 michaeldajnowicz

@michaeldajnowicz yea .. but not all =S .. still got a lot of Zubats .... also many with CP<400 but still no transfer (keep is on 400)

and still after using the new config @pashorizer it still keeps some pokemon duplicate ...

Kegoscho avatar Jul 27 '16 22:07 Kegoscho

Only if i put them into obligatory_transfer ... but it ignores CP ... wait ... if transfer_iv_threshold=80 and transfer_cp_threshold=500

will it still keep it when IV>80 but CP<500 ??? or will it only keep if both criteria are met?

Kegoscho avatar Jul 27 '16 22:07 Kegoscho

transfer_iv_threshold=80 transfer_cp_threshold=500

I have mentioned this behavior before that requested to toggle behavior.

pokemon1 300 iv 90 - KEEP (CP<400 AND IV >80) pokemon2 cp999 iv 50 - KEEP (CP>500 AND IV < 90) pokemon3 cp400 iv 50 - TRANSFER (CP<400 AND CP<80

Letrico avatar Jul 28 '16 04:07 Letrico

I can confirm your issue. After having the bot run over night I have 451/350 items in my inventory. I will have a look into it ;)

citruz avatar Jul 28 '16 08:07 citruz

While having a look in the logs I found something interesting:

  • Profile update says Inventory 350/350 even though in the app its 451/350.
  • The dropUseLessItems Task didn't drop any items even though I had about 30 more potions than the limit
  • After I restarted the bot the inventory values are correct again and items have been dropped

Seems like the inventory is not updated correctly although UpdateProfile calls inventories.updateInventories(true) every 60 seconds. Maybe a bug in the API?

citruz avatar Jul 28 '16 08:07 citruz