Jim Chen
Jim Chen
你可以看看新的 `dev-modularize` 分支下,对 CommentSpaceAllocator和Comment对象进行了重构(只需要两种规划器和两种弹幕了),方便以后扩展和改变规划方案。等这个分支成熟了master就会迁移过去。 里面现在采取的是一个叫 `willCollide` 的函数判断两个弹幕是否有冲撞(目前方法还是于原版一致,但是扩展就变得很容易)。 空间规划组件是最早的组件之一。当初的考虑,一是尊存Mukio播放器的策略,二是空间规划器里面尽量减少对width啦之类的读取。后来宽度被缓存了效率就好一些了。 不过不知道什么奇怪的问题,我觉得 `dev-modularize` 分支下的实现应该和原版一样排版,可是现在排版不如原版密集,所以感觉还有一些BUG,但是还没完全调通。你有空可以帮着测试一下。
嗯。新版有采取Canvas的可能性,目前未来设想是一些弹幕(比如普权滚动)走Canvas,高级弹幕或者字幕池的滚动之类的依然走 DOM 力争还原度。 马上要推一个支持 animate 函数的(顺带就能或多或少的重新支持B站定位/定位移动弹幕)。有了这个抽象化还很好支持A站的高级移动轨迹和B站的轨迹弹幕。
Javascript support (however much there is) is enabled by default. KnProxy's support for JavaScript is _very_ limited though, and basically comes in two forms: - If there is a string...
The url isn't "encrypted" per se. It's just encoded, mainly to make sure that special characters in the URL all get mapped back to alphanumeric characters so it doesn't break...
Interesting, are you running in filesockets mode or cURL mode? (filesockets does not support https which fb requires to login) Could you try entering "about:sysinternals" in the address bar and...
commit 9e40f035429a6f346655b82587c4dd6828be6afb should fix the problem partially. The rest is due to facebook's new JS system not loading the news feed. Which has yet to be solved.
Ohhh, from a brief look, it looks like the `HTTP/2 200` is the problem. When this code was built http/2 did not exist yet so some parts of the code...
> Wouldn't it be better to update the code to understand http/2 instead? For the purposes of the proxy, it doesn't seem like HTTP/2 offers any particular benefits (protocol wise...
The code is still maintained, just updates to it could be slow. Feel free to keep using the previous fix. Also, this code is actually intentionally meant to be a...