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A fennel-lang utility library that sets function metadata from pre-generated docsets for various Lua runtimes. Check docs for functions in Lua's standard library right from the fennel REPL!

Sample screenshot

Comes preloaded with docsets for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, Lua 5.3, LuaJIT, and love2d.

Note: This library is still somewhat unstable. It works, but the docstring formatting and configuration options are still a work in progress.


Requires: fennel >= 0.4.0

Simply drop this directory somewhere on your package.path.

TODO: Publish to luarocks


Auto-load docset for running Lua version

(local docstor (require :fnldocstor))

For REPL convenience, you can also call the module as a function via its __call metatable:

((require :fnldocstor))

It can optionally receive a table to override target Lua / global env:

((require :fnldocstor) {:version _VERSION :env _G})

Load docs automatically when launching the REPL

Put the following in $HOME/.fennelrc or $HOME/.config/fennel/fennelrc:

(when (not (pcall #((require :fnldocstor))))
  (io.stderr:write "Warning: failed to autoload fnldocstor\n"))

Load a custom docset

You can also load an arbitrary docset onto any arbitrary function or table of functions. It will recur through both, setting metadata on matching field paths.

(local greet #(print (.. "Hi, " $ "!")))
(docstor.load-docset greet {:meta {:fnl/docstring "Says hi"
                                   :fnl/arglist ["name"]}})

(local library {:foo (fn [] (do something))
                :bar (fn [] (do something-else))
                :baz {:a #(do :a) :b #(do :b) :c #(do :c)}})

(docstor.load-docset library library-docset)

The docset should be in the following format; for full examples, see the data/ directory.

{:fields {field1 {:meta {:fnl/arglist   [...]  ; table<string>: table of argnames
                         :fnl/docstring docstr ; string:        the docstring
                         :docstor/link  link   ; ?string:       optional url to fn docs}
                  :fields <recursive}
          field2 {:meta   {...}
                  :fields <recursive>}}}