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Simple Python and Julia implementations of the 1€ Filter. The codes can be used as a pseudocode for implementing the algorithm in other languages.

1€ Filter (One Euro Filter)

A simple Python implementation of the 1€ Filter (1e filter, 1 euro filter, One Euro Filter). The code in can be used as pseudocode for implementing the algorithm in other languages. Detailed pseudocode about the underlying mathematics of the algorithm and sources can be found in a blog post that I wrote about it, Noise Filtering Using 1€ Filter.

import math

def smoothing_factor(t_e, cutoff):
    r = 2 * math.pi * cutoff * t_e
    return r / (r + 1)

def exponential_smoothing(a, x, x_prev):
    return a * x + (1 - a) * x_prev

class OneEuroFilter:
    def __init__(self, t0, x0, dx0=0.0, min_cutoff=1.0, beta=0.0,
        """Initialize the one euro filter."""
        # The parameters.
        self.min_cutoff = float(min_cutoff)
        self.beta = float(beta)
        self.d_cutoff = float(d_cutoff)
        # Previous values.
        self.x_prev = float(x0)
        self.dx_prev = float(dx0)
        self.t_prev = float(t0)

    def __call__(self, t, x):
        """Compute the filtered signal."""
        t_e = t - self.t_prev

        # The filtered derivative of the signal.
        a_d = smoothing_factor(t_e, self.d_cutoff)
        dx = (x - self.x_prev) / t_e
        dx_hat = exponential_smoothing(a_d, dx, self.dx_prev)

        # The filtered signal.
        cutoff = self.min_cutoff + self.beta * abs(dx_hat)
        a = smoothing_factor(t_e, cutoff)
        x_hat = exponential_smoothing(a, x, self.x_prev)

        # Memorize the previous values.
        self.x_prev = x_hat
        self.dx_prev = dx_hat
        self.t_prev = t

        return x_hat