Javier López Barba
Javier López Barba
Hi @phoenix-bjoern, We didn't have enough capacity to tackle this, but we'll try to address it during the following weeks
This issue is blocked until we release 3.0 and decide how do we want to do this issue. We need to know what we do with the variables that are...
Reopenning. Need planning for 3.0
Reopening this one since needs to be planned
Hi @inliquid, I'm seeing that you are running your example with a vanilla cluster (a cluster without okteto chart installed). Can you check if it's still happening if you run...
> As we talked offline, we are mixing 2 ways of cloning images: > > * Old one: If the user didn't specify an image in the build info, we...
> Do we have some e2e test for the `exec` command? Not a dedicated one right now. We're checking if the stignore is created in the remote by using okteto...