Javier López Barba
Javier López Barba
> I'm confused by the description. Is the environment arg not available in `a.Dockerfile` because it's the image built as part of the dependency chain or is it all arguments?...
I think we can do it as part of the vscode extension that we already have. @jmacelroy Should we move it to the correct repo? https://github.com/okteto/remote-kubernetes
I think this issue would be solved by deprecating the use of `os.Chdir()` and `os.Getwd()`, by making the code not rely on it to parse the files/discover where the `.git`...
The first problem is the change of the working directory to parse the files with the relative paths, this can produce problems when generating absolute paths in other parts of...
The second problem is figuring out which `.git` to use and how to reference the filename in the UI for its possible redeployment. We should only store the filename if...
There are two specs in notion already (one functional and another one technical). We will need some refinement before working on it but it should be mostly moving content from...
Hi @ajrpayne, I was not able to reproduce the issue. Can you provide more information about the issue like the CLI version you are using (`okteto version`) or if you...
Hi @ajrpayne, I'm closing the issue because we couldn't reproduce the issue. Please feel free to reopen again if the problem persists. Happy coding!!
With the latest changes done to the e2e tests, we could run all e2e in a vanilla cluster except the ones on the `okteto` folder which need to have an...
Closing this since the new e2e tests provides the correct way of doing it instead of changing all the examples