Javier López Barba
Javier López Barba
> @jLopezbarb we can capture the error and show something more human-friendly, but our default command is `sh`. If you want to use an image without `sh`, you should configure...
Can we run e2e tests before approving it? I want to make sure it's passing
No, I still face this issue. I know why I can't run the command but probably a user can be confused by the output
`--` means the end of command options and only positional options are available along with args. Now that we have an arg (`okteto up svc`) that can interfere with this...
> Would it make sense to allow a new property in the stack to specify how to replace the deployment and keep the current behavior by default? Maybe by adding...
> > > Would it make sense to allow a new property in the stack to specify how to replace the deployment and keep the current behavior by default? >...
I changed a little bit the implementation that was suggested [in the previous comment](https://github.com/okteto/okteto/pull/3109#issuecomment-1252433982). I had to add `onDelete` to the list of possible update strategy, so the available values...
@maroshi Is this issue fixed by #2120?
@alicenstar @rberrelleza, I couldn't reproduce the issue with `Okteto CLI 2.8.2`. The error message that I'm getting is: Could you check that it's been fixed? if the error persists, could...
@pchico83, that's another issue we have identified, [when the volume it's full syncthing stops synchronising files](https://github.com/okteto/okteto/issues/2285). The error reported above seems to be happening in the first synchronisation (notice that...