Jefferey Neuffer
Jefferey Neuffer
I think that the case is that they are not switched around, but in fact the average 5 seconds value is just buggy and incorrect and jumps around.
I have made some improvements, it should work a bit better now.
Hmm, can you send over your gcode file?
I assume that you mean the spinner where the webcam goes in dashboard? Can you see your webcam in the control tab? Can you please upload your octoprint system info...
@r0dnay do you still have this issue? If so can you confirm that you are talking about the loading animation at the bottom of the dashboard where the webcam would...
I tried the gcode file you provided and all of the information was showing correctly. I have noticed that in the logs there is no mention of dashboard gcode analysis,...
Can you please check if the thumbnail is shown correctly or not when you view it using the button in the files menu? If it is not shown correctly there,...
Seems like a good idea.
You should be already able do display the uptime using command widgets. Command widgets shows the output of a system command, you can use a command such as `uptime -p`...
Hi @Michael4607 I am trying to make sense of your screenshot there. I can see that you have the controls to the left and the webcam to the right. Is...