webcrack copied to clipboard
Sorry if i am missinformed and could find the solution without opening an issue. I am also new to webpacks and the programming language overall.
I get this output on one of the files using the tool:
require.d(exports, {
JF: function () {
return c;
UZ: function () {
return u;
jK: function () {
return a;
const n = "^https?:";
const i = "^wss?:";
function o(t) {
const e = t.match(new RegExp(/^\w+:/, "gi"));
if (e && e.length) {
return e[0];
function s(t, e) {
const r = o(t);
return typeof r !== "undefined" && new RegExp(e).test(r);
function a(t) {
return s(t, n);
function u(t) {
return s(t, i);
function c(t) {
return new RegExp("wss?://localhost(:d{2,5})?").test(t);
require.d isn't defined, this should be the func to export the functions to call them later on. Is it generated on purpose? What should i change in order for it to not give me an error?
UPDATE: i found https://deploy-preview-50--webcrack.netlify.app/, i am now trying to find the CLI version for this.
yeah its currently work in progress you'll have to clone that branch and build it to use the CLI
oh, fast reply, thanks. Do you know whether unpacking multiple js files will be possible? What if i just merge all of them into a single one?
it unpacks only the first bundle it finds in a file
sure, thank you so much
i get this issue:
npm ERR! npm ERR! code EUNSUPPORTEDPROTOCOL npm ERR! npm ERR! Unsupported URL Type "workspace:": workspace:*