cordova-plugin-openwith copied to clipboard
Nothing to share?
I've followed the installation instructions, installed the plugin, setup App Groups, enabled the entitlements, added them to my provisioning profiles, built my app. I've added a handler to my app and see the output in the Xcode console when initialised like this:
[OpenWithPlugin.m][setVerbosity] 0
openwith: init()
[OpenWithPlugin.m][setLogger] OpenWithPlugin252748709
[OpenWithPlugin.m][setHandler] OpenWithPlugin252748710
[OpenWithPlugin.m][checkForFileToShare] Nothing to share
openwith: addHandler()
openwith: initSuccess()
openwith init success!
When opening the Photos app and selecting a photo to share, I see my app in the share with menu. Tapping it opens my app but the console just says:
[OpenWithPlugin.m][checkForFileToShare] Nothing to share
PBItemCollectionServicer connection disconnected.
My handler has the console.log output from the demo project so should display the details of any intent received but seems it's not fired at all. I have exhausted all of the help/documentation provided... any ideas what I can do to debug this?
I'm also facing the same issue while sharing files from other apps, My app opens fine but my handler code never gets executed and xcode logs show 'Nothing to share' as in attached screenshot.
@j3k0 Any Suggestions plz ???
I know it's been a while. Did you guys found a solution?
I have the same issue. I was able to fix it, the problem was my iOS app didn't have correctly set the SHAREEXT_GROUP_IDENTIFIER
you can check if it's well defined on the file: ShareViewController.h
I am having such a UTI defined in ShareViewController.h
#define SHAREEXT_UNIFORM_TYPE_IDENTIFIER @"com.tinkamo.lineapp.line"
And the identical setup in the project settings
But I still got "Nothing to share" when I open the file from another app.
2022-10-23 02:11:38.311494+0800 Tinkamo Line[16616:2070973] [OpenWithPlugin.m][onResume]
2022-10-23 02:11:38.311599+0800 Tinkamo Line[16616:2070973] [OpenWithPlugin.m][checkForFileToShare]
2022-10-23 02:11:38.311666+0800 Tinkamo Line[16616:2070973] [OpenWithPlugin.m][checkForFileToShare] Nothing to share