Thanks for the fast responses and comments everyone! some notes of my own (largely in response and extending other comments)... Label text as an indicator for differential pair pins -...
A bit more browsing online and I'm seeing and (slowly) understanding a bit better. Pin naming conventions quite clearly document the association once one is aware of them. Keeping an...
Feedback seems to suggest naming conventions are adequate to communicate the diferential-pair relation. I still haven't ruled out creating some graphical icon down the track. Some twitter posts combined with...
Sounds great. I'll need to revise my general development and QA processes to match with the automation (A good thing).
good progress is being made! Currently testing and updating the more complex components. Details yet to be resolved: - How to provide default config - How to provide auto CSS...
attempting to roll ALL config into a single file (again). Using a python dict rather than YAML this time. Initial tests look good. Features include: - auto default config for...
They all sound like things I should read up on! I'm regularly rewriting large chunks of the core code - might be a good time to learn, and implement, testing...
@whatnick any recommendations on style/linting to conform to? [EDIT] I'm trying out flake8 ...Now trying out Black. Looks like Black did everything except long docs strings when cross-checked with flake8....
Checked out pylint - annoying. pedantic. -but- I can see the benefit and think It'll be worth enforcing style consistency with it. I've only read-up on isort but it also...