**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem - put `Alerts`, `Home Alerts` and `Smtp` configuration form under single...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem - Rename OIDC to Identity provider - Rename otomi flags titles...
Hi community, I love using k9s to dive into deployed k8s resources. I often navigate back and forward between various resources, and I am wondering if you could implement a...
# WHY 1. Network policies are about workloads (Pods) not services 2. Egress policies are namespace wide # User Story **AS A** A team user **I WANT TO** to access...
Teams may or may not enabled network polices (`teams..networkPolicy.ingressPrivate: true|false`) Teams can also deploy workloads with arbitrary network policies. If a team sets `networkPolicy.ingressPrivate: false` AND deploys a workload, which...
# WHY Provide a context behind this user story that explains why it is needed. # User Story **AS A** cluster admin **I WANT TO**garbage collect pods that are finished...
This PR aims to accommodate errors that may occur during the cluster validation process. For example in DigitalOcean `kubectl version` have not returned the valid Kubernetes version string.
# WHY Users that are relying on Hashicorp Vault should be given an option to migrate to SealedSecretes. # User Story **AS A** user **I WANT TO** migrate my secrets...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** There are two places where backups are defined. 1) menu -> backups 2) menu -> settings -> backups The first...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Users evaluating otomi with domain from cannot use features that rely on container registry delivered by Harbor app. These...