Java is currently unable to print out its version. Testing of actual Java programs hasn't been tested yet, as same error occurs. Arch Package: java8-openjdk > [root@ForeignLinux /]# java -version...
EDIT: This is related to raw sockets, and likely depends on that. Feel free to close. Ping unfortunately doesn't work. Package: iputils Flog (see latest revision, got wrong record): https://gist.github.com/j-selby/e2e657de36eb56fe5020...
Moving out of issue #14 as issues appear unlinked. 2 different systems with Bitdefender installed crashed upon initial start (Win 10, Win 7 x64). Likely not a issue on your...
The current installer framework module has gotten large and untidy, and is making editing individual components of the application unwieldy. Proposed solution is to split this into submodules, each perhaps...