Jakub Piasecki
Jakub Piasecki
## Description Adds `Dependencies` section to the issue template. Having this knowledge will make it easier to reproduce issues.
### Description When `Animated.Value` in styles gets replaced by a constant value, the `Animated.Node` gets correctly detached, however, the new value is not assigned - the prop gets restored to...
## Summary On the old architecture, when using a `Modal` with no animation and translucent status bar, a layout flash is noticeable when the modal is opened. Here's the video...
### Description On the old architecture, when using a `Modal` with no animation and translucent status bar, a layout flash is noticeable when the modal is opened. Here's the video...
This PR adds implementation for [`getNativeScrollRef`](https://reactnative.dev/docs/flatlist#getnativescrollref). It's required for compatibility with `react-native-reanimated` on the new architecture: https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-reanimated/blob/720fefba7cd53471e98d52282c783701233861a7/src/reanimated2/hook/useAnimatedRef.ts#L26-L33
## Description With the upgrade to 0.73, `metro-react-native-babel-preset` got replaced by `@react-native/babel-preset`, but I forgot to change it in the root `babel.config.js`, which resulted in errors about a missing module...
## Description I've noticed a weird interaction between Gesture Handler buttons and the ScrollView wrapped with `NativeViewGestureHandler` after https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler/pull/2551 - after starting the scroll on a button, that button (and...
## Description This PR changes the ordering of `onBegin` and `onTouchesDown` events on Android. `onBegin` was invoked first, as some gestures required additional setup when they started tracking the first...
## Description This PR allows users to override whether a particular `GestureHandlerRootView` is enabled or not. By default, only the topmost root view would be active, allowing all gestures to...
## Description Closes https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler/security/dependabot/316 https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler/security/dependabot/245