Jakub Piasecki

Results 99 comments of Jakub Piasecki

> The only problem might occur when Fabric returns a view that has been created by UIPageViewController for a different purpose, for example as a View that is used as...

I updated the repro linked above: https://github.com/j-piasecki/autoresizingmask-repro/commit/9a554ebe34936f5e7c53adac2e523c5115d46f02. Now it should be relatively easy to reproduce the issue: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/assets/21055725/072576a9-d7bf-4dd4-9a26-56b8a4ce3d90

I still have it at the back of my head, I'll try to get back to it shortly when I have some time.

Gesture Handler 2.10.0 uses the new implementation by default, where this problem doesn't exist.

@shivamp2404 Thanks for the repro ❤️! Could you check if this PR: https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler/pull/2551 solves the problem for you (and doesn't break anything else)? cc. @RodolfoGS

@dmregister There's no pre-release version with it 😞. The two options for using it right now are using `patch-package` or installing Gesture Handler directly from the branch this PR is...


I'll close the issue since the new web implementation is enabled by default starting with 2.10.0.

I'll close the issue since the new web implementation is enabled by default starting with 2.10.0.

I'll close the issue since the new web implementation is enabled by default starting with 2.10.0.