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Hierarchical Video-Moment Retrieval and Step-Captioning (CVPR 2023)

Hierarchical Video-Moment Retrieval and Step-Captioning (CVPR 2023)

The code for HiREST dataset, Joint baseline model, and Colab demos, as described in the CVPR 2023 paper:

Hierarchical Video-Moment Retrieval and Step-Captioning

Abhay Zala*, Jaemin Cho*, Satwik Kottur, Xilun Chen, Barlas Oğuz, Yasher Mehdad, Mohit Bansal

*: Equal contribution

HiREST Dataset

We present the HiREST (HIerarchical REtrieval and STep-captioning), a holistic, hierarchical benchmark of multimodal retrieval and step-by-step summarization for a video corpus.


data/splits/ contains four annoataion files in json formats:

    # Train split
    # (546 queries / 1507 videos)

    # Validation split
    # (292 queries / 477 videos)

    # Test split
    # (546 queries / 1391 videos)
    # (2891 videos)
    all_data_test_negative_samples.json # Additional videos that are only used for Video Retrieval task

Each json file can be read as a dictionary.

  • key: text query (e.g., "Make an Egg and Cheese Sandwich")

  • value: dictionary of videos paired with the text query

    • relevant: True if the video is relevant to the query, False if the video is irrelevant to the query.
    • clip: True if the video moment is clippable (only <75% of the videos are relevant to the query), False if the whole video is relevant to the query.
    • v_duration: duration of the video in seconds
    • bounds: [start, end] of the video moment
    • steps: list of steps in the video moment (empty if clip=False)
      • index: index of the step
      • heading: step caption
      • absolute_bounds: [start, end] of the step

    Below is example video annotations paired with the query "Make an Egg and Cheese Sandwich":

        "kMh-nG8axWI.mp4": {
            "relevant": true,
            "clip": false,
            "v_duration": 53.92,
            "bounds": [
            "steps": []
        "CAB-4KfX8x0.mp4": {
            "relevant": true,
            "clip": true,
            "v_duration": 354.97,
            "bounds": [
            "steps": [
                    "index": 0,
                    "heading": "Flip and twist ribbon",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 1,
                    "heading": "Hold them both",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 2,
                    "heading": "Repeat the process",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 3,
                    "heading": "Cut the ribbons",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 4,
                    "heading": "Put wire",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 5,
                    "heading": "Cut the excess",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 6,
                    "heading": "Tie it on package",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 7,
                    "heading": "Separate the ribbons",
                    "absolute_bounds": [
                    "index": 8,
                    "heading": "Cut extra ribbons",
                    "absolute_bounds": [


Task 1: Video Retrieval

python evaluate.py --task video_retrieval --pred_data <path_to_model_output>

An example of pred_data might look like:

    "Make a Monkey Out of Clay": {
        "videos": ["2gkPwJompWQ.mp4", ... ],
        "scores": [ 0.4589134, ... ],

Task 2: Moment Retrieval

python evaluate.py --task moment_retrieval --pred_data <path_to_model_output>

An example of pred_data might look like:

    "Make a Monkey Out of Clay": {
        "2gkPwJompWQ.mp4": {
            "bounds": [

Task 3: Moment Segmentation

python evaluate.py --task moment_segmentation --preprocess_moment_bounds --pred_data <path_to_model_output>

An example of pred_data might look like:

    "2gkPwJompWQ.mp4": {
        "bounds": [
            [ 40, 51 ],
        "pred_bounds": [ 40, 51, ... ],
        "target_bounds": [ 40, 48, ... ]

Task 4: Step Captioning

python evaluate.py --task step_captioning --pred_data <path_to_model_output>

The evaluate.py does not compute the CLIPScore by default, since CLIPScore requires video frames to compute the image-text similarity. To compute CLIPScore, you need to provide the path to the frames directory --frame_dir, as follows.

python evaluate.py --task step_captioning --pred_data <path_to_model_output> --frame_dir ./data/raw_frames/

An example of pred_data might look like:

    "2gkPwJompWQ.mp4": {
        "captions": [
                "sentence": "take clay and blend as body"

Joint Baseline Model

We prepare the code for the joint baseline model as a starting point for the 4 hierarchical tasks for HiREST.

Install Packages

# Requires torch<1.13.0
# You need this only for step captioning evaluation (evaluate.py)
pip install allennlp_models

pip install -r requirements.txt
python -c "import language_evaluation; language_evaluation.download('coco')"

Prepare Features

You can 1) download the pre-extracted visual (EVA-CLIP), and ASR (Whisper) and ASR embedding (MiniLM) from HiREST, or 2) extract features by yourself.

1) Download pre-extracted features

Download feature files extract them into the ./data/ directory.

For video retrieval task

# Visual features (EVA-CLIP) - 32 frames per video, including features from negative distractors
wget https://huggingface.co/j-min/HiREST-baseline/resolve/main/eva_clip_features_32_frame.zip
unzip -q eva_clip_features_32_frame.zip
mv eva_clip_features_32_frame/ data/

For moment retrieval / moment segmentation / step captioning tasks

# Speech transcripts (ASR with Whisper)
wget https://huggingface.co/j-min/HiREST-baseline/resolve/main/ASR.zip
# Speech embedding (MiniLM)
wget https://huggingface.co/j-min/HiREST-baseline/resolve/main/ASR_feats_all-MiniLM-L6-v2.zip
# Visual features (EVA-CLIP) - 1 frame per second
wget https://huggingface.co/j-min/HiREST-baseline/resolve/main/eva_clip_features.zip

unzip -q ASR.zip
unzip -q ASR_feats_all-MiniLM-L6-v2.zip
unzip -q eva_clip_features.zip

mv ASR/ data/
mv ASR_feats_all-MiniLM-L6-v2/ data/
mv eva_clip_features/ data/

Afterwards the ./data/ directory should look like:


2) Feature extraction (Optional)

Check out extraction/README.md for details.

Training on Single GPU

Before training, you need to download the weights of CLIP4Caption (to initialize multimodal encoder/decoder parameters) and EVA-CLIP-G (visual encoder and text query encoder). As the CLIP4Caption and EVA CLIP repositories have been updated since our model development and also could be updated later, we uploaded the versions we used at (clip4caption/ and EVA_clip/).

Download Clip4Caption weights

Please download the clip4caption pretrained weights here and put them in ./pretrained_weights/.

wget https://huggingface.co/j-min/HiREST-baseline/resolve/main/clip4caption_vit-b-32_model.bin
mv clip4caption_vit-b-32_model.bin ./pretrained_weights/clip4caption_vit-b-32_model.bin

Download EVA-CLIP weights

Please download the EVA-CLIP pretrained weights here and put them in ./pretrained_weights/.

wget https://huggingface.co/BAAI/EVA/resolve/main/eva_clip_psz14.pt
mv eva_clip_psz14.pt ./pretrained_weights/eva_clip_psz14.pt

Run Training

Change output variable at the top of scripts/run.sh to change model checkpoint path. We used a 1080 TI GPU (11GB memory) with batch size 5.

To run training (and automatically run inference) run:

bash scripts/run.sh --train

Pretrained joint model weights (Optional)

wget https://huggingface.co/j-min/HiREST-baseline/resolve/main/HiREST_BEST.pth
mv HiREST_BEST.pth ./checkpoints/hirest_joint_model/BEST.pth

Inference & Evaluation

Video Retrieval

# Inference
python inference_video_retrieval.py \
    --data_dir './data/splits' \
    --video_feature_dir './data/eva_clip_features_32_frame' \
    --optim adamw \
    --n_model_frames 20 \
    --num_workers 4 \
    --eval_batch_size 10 \
    --device 'cuda' \
    --video_retrieval_model 'clip_g' \
    --run_name clip_g_VR_20frames_avgpool

# Evaluation
python evaluate.py \
    --task video_retrieval \
    --pred_data VR_results/clip_g_VR_20frames_avgpool.json

Moment Retrieval / Moment Segmentation / Step Captioning

# Inference
bash scripts/run.sh

# Evaluation
bash scripts/score.sh


  • Inference and evaluation of video retrieval task with our joint baseline model (EVA CLIP-G) on HiREST test split: Open In Colab

  • Inference and evaluation of moment retrieval / moment segmentation / step captioning tasks with our joint baseline model on HiREST val split: Open In Colab

  • Inference on custom video with our joint baseline model: Open In Colab


Our project borrows code from the following repositories:

  • https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers (Sentence-Transformers - MiniLM),
  • https://github.com/openai/whisper (Whisper),
  • https://github.com/liupeng0606/clip4caption (CLIP4Caption),
  • https://github.com/baaivision/EVA/tree/master/EVA-CLIP (EVA-CLIP)

We thank for the authors of the repositories for their public release of code.


Please cite our paper if you use our dataset and/or method in your projects.

  author    = {Abhay Zala and Jaemin Cho and Satwik Kottur and Xilun Chen and Barlas Oğuz and Yashar Mehdad and Mohit Bansal},
  title     = {Hierarchical Video-Moment Retrieval and Step-Captioning},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  year      = {2023},