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Unable to compile Bisons/Flex benchmarks
Looks like C files listed in: are missing or voluntarily not committed in the git repository. I thus naïvely tried to generate them manually like so:
cd benchmarks/Bisons/
flex Nandlang.l
bison -d Nandlang.y # -d also generates
However, when compiling benchmarks I hit this error:
$ nix -L run .#benchmarks
ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
(GHC version 8.6.5 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
Loading temp shared object failed: /build/ghc396_0/ undefined symbol: yylex
Should I add some pkgconfig-depends:
or extra-libraries:
because some C lib is missing?
Or is it related to ? But then how could it have ever worked?
Anyway, everything works as expected after removing this problematic benchmark:
Thanks for this amazing library.
My current hacky flake.nix
to reproduce if need be:
# Update inputs with:
# nix flake update --recreate-lock-file
inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
inputs.haskell-nix.url = "github:input-output-hk/haskell.nix";
inputs.all-hies.url = "github:infinisil/all-hies";
inputs.all-hies.flake = false;
outputs = inputs: let
projectName = "parsley";
in inputs.flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
#pkgs = inputs.haskell-nix.legacyPackages.${system};
pkgs = import inputs.haskell-nix.sources.nixpkgs (inputs.haskell-nix.nixpkgsArgs // {
localSystem = { inherit system; };
overlays = inputs.haskell-nix.nixpkgsArgs.overlays ++ [
(import inputs.all-hies {}).overlay
(self: super: {
fl = self.flex;
compiler-nix-name = "ghc865";
project = pkgs.haskell-nix.cabalProject {
src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
name = projectName;
src = ./.;
inherit compiler-nix-name;
index-state = "2020-08-28T00:00:00Z";
# To be kept up to date with source-repository-package entries in cabal.project
sha256map = {
""."e7bf0b4ee361a17c55170ce234a5542544625991" =
""."1ca37d047d5c8568bee6caf5a506995cd53265f5" =
# Update by commenting materialized and running:
# nix run .#materialize
#materialized = ./plan-nix;
in {
# Build with: nix build
defaultPackage = project.${projectName}.components.exes."playground";
#packages.${projectName} = project;
# Run with: nix run .#benchmarks -- --output=benchmarks.html
apps."benchmarks" = {
type = "app";
program = "${project.${projectName}.components.exes."benchmarks"}/bin/benchmarks";
# Run with: nix run .#playground
apps."playground" = {
type = "app";
program = "${inputs.self.defaultPackage.${system}}/bin/playground";
# Run with: nix run .#materialize
apps.materialize = {
type = "app";
program = (pkgs.writeShellScript "materialize" ''
${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync --delete -ai ${project.plan-nix}/ plan-nix/
# Run with: nix run .#register
apps.register = {
type = "app";
program = (pkgs.writeShellScript "register" ''
set -x
nix-store --add-root nix.root --indirect --realise ${project.roots}
# Get a development environment with: nix develop
devShell = project.shellFor {
packages = hpkgs: [
#components = hpkgs: [];
#additional = hpkgs: [];
withHoogle = false;
tools = {
cabal = "";
#hie = "unstable";
#hlint = "2.2.11";
builtInputs = with project.haskellPackages; [
exactDeps = true;
shellHook = ''
Yeah, they are voluntarily left out, because I consider it bad form to keep them in the repo when they are essentially "precompiled" files. I've forgotten the exact commands I used to generate my lex.yy.c
files, but I can find that out for you later. I'm not sure if a c lib is missing for you or not I'm afraid. It's a shame I couldn't figure out how to make cabal generate them for me!
Is there a solution already? I get the following error after generating the c and h files with bison and lex:
ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
(GHC version 8.6.5 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
Loading temp shared object failed: /run/user/29829/ghc19759_0/ undefined symbol: set_input_string
I don't know what would cause that: I would just recommend disabling the nandlang benchmarks in the cabal file.
(Also as an aside, I would recommend upgrading to 8.10+ when running benchmarks, the Parsley backend for 8.10+ has way more in the way of optimisations and general optimisation stability compared with 8.8-)
Okay I’ll try upgrading GHC. But I would actually like to run the Nandland benchmarks, so disabling them is not an option for me :D
very well, try the prebuilt-bison
branch: I've added my pregenerated bison binaries there.
Thank you! It still doesn't seem to work with GHC 8.6.5... I'll need to upgrade then probably.
that's strange, it works for 8.6.5 for me (with those generated files)! It looks like set_input_string
is included in lex.yy.c, and is needed by Perhaps you need to update your cabal as well, which might not be linking the files properly?