Jared Andrews

Results 21 comments of Jared Andrews

I asked Ken about this before I published it, and he basically said as long as people didn't abuse it, he was totally cool with it. I can't imagine once...

Pegging the test is the right move. And I should get CI set up with Github Actions too, probably.

Do you have any interest in being added as a collaborator to this repo? I really don't have the time to chase down bugs and fix the edge cases each...

Missed this, thanks for the PR. I'll take try to test soon.

A parameter to provide genome length directly would also be very helpful. We subset data frequently to run multiple different peak callers with various parameters to find the best settings...

Oh, nice. Gotta say I didn't expect a response/update so quick, so I did roll my own (quite messy) version as well if it's of any interest: ```r #' Visualize...

I don't mind at all if any of the elements are incorporated, feel free to rip whatever's useful. plotly could be an optional parameter, have to set `interactive = TRUE`...

I don't believe this has been implemented, but you can do it manually: ``` library(dittoSeq) example(importDittoBulk, echo = FALSE) scRNA

I looked at the internals for this when I originally opened the issue, and I don't think it was too tough an addition, but it required more effort/time than I...