atom-pdf-view copied to clipboard
Feauture request: Open/Show in a new window
I use the pdf-view package for writing my LaTex documents. I'm however unaware of a "open in a new window" option in your package. This option would be really handy.
Thank you in advance, Gilles Callebaut
Thanks for the suggestion, @GillesC 💟
I won't have time to work on such a feature in the near future, but if you or someone else would like to add it -- I'd be happy to review a pull request. 👍
I realise that it's been quite some time since this request was made, however, I've just recently gotten into using atom and would love to see this feature implemented at some point soon! I have a dual-monitor set-up and use a vertical monitor to view my compiled .tex document when I use TeXstudio, and I would love to be able to do the same in atom.