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Web3 Ruby gem client for Ethereum
There are pull request not merged since 2018.
I cannot use the Method Etherscan.new. Traceback (most recent call last): 1: from (irb):1:in `' NameError (uninitialized constant Web3::Eth::Etherscan) Please fix it.
The rpc_path mentioned in the readme file is throwing 403 error. I have updated it with the correct path.
An exception is thrown if etherscan's json response does not include the `status` field, e.g. on https://api.etherscan.io/api?module=proxy&action=eth_getTransactionByHash&txhash=0x087c822fc9b75bc4894df309cc18820f3d77659f0bc115a7035de39461a456a3 This PR first checks for the presence of the `status` field before checking...
add support for http basic auth
Hi everyone. I am going to send transaction with my private key using web3-eth gem. But i can't find correct solution anywhere. Please help me! Best regards!
Hi,everyone. i have some issues. web3.eth.getTransactionCount(account, 'pending') function not working. Please help me. best regards.
Hi, everyone I am going to send transfer using ruby. this is my code. web3 = Web3::Eth::Rpc.new host: 'ropsten.infura.io', port: 443, connect_options: { open_timeout: 20, read_timeout: 140, use_ssl: true, rpc_path:...
Is there a way to call a function (i.e. send a transaction) with this library? If I wanted to programmatically call a function that updates blockchain state, what's the best...
Pass BlockNumber value at the last of params list. Ex: ``` # creation of contract object myContract = web3.eth.contract(abi); # initiate contract for an address myContractInstance = myContract.at('0x2ad180cbaffbc97237f572148fc1b283b68d8861'); # call...