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Initial TM creation is a pain and requires a lot of typing
... well it was anyway.
I added a python script to take a CSV with pairs of elements. I then create generic Element definitions for each unique name and create dataflow for each pair.
After editing the file to replace Element with Actor, Server, Process, etc I can generate a basic TM DFD then start to annotate each element and add boundaries as needed.
Before I do any more with this take a look and lets discuss. Initially I wanted the csv to be as lightweight as possible but we could have it contain various more data like variableName, displayName, element type, or various annotations.
I've committed the file, a sample csv, the generate and sample.png and then a modified (Element->Actor,Process, etc) py and png so you can see what its doing.
That's an interesting idea, but I have a bit of an allergy to CSV files due to them leading to Excel tomfoolery and, well - having CVS files that include stuff that eventually ends up in Python code.
I've been battling excessive typing by using snippets on my editor.
You can say that with a straight face with the 'eval' calls in this code ; )
Could be another format, maybe JSON. As currently implemented (only variable names) it could have simple validation, likely just alphanumeric.
One of my submitted PRs has a modification which goes with this. I changed the name on Elements to the actual name instead of the hash of the name on the DFD and the color is red. I also made out of Scope elements a box instead of a circle.
With these changes looking at the DFD it is clear which items are still Elements.
Hey at least there's a caveat in the README about the eval, and is supposed to be more-or-less stable and write-protected...
Elements was supposed to be a parent class - not something to be represented. The Process is supposed to be the smallest granular "element" in use.
My thought was to use the Element as just a temporary state to when generating the base TM , the next step is to change all Elements to their appropriate type.
and just kidding about the eval, you are correct it is a threat that needs to be addressed. : )
Since we already have json input, is this issue still valid? Can we close it?
I'm pretty sure that, after two years of no response, this issue can be closed.
I hope the JSON input is also documented. ;)