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Unopinionated express middleware for authentication. Alternative to passport.


Unopinionated authentication for express; an alternative to passport.

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Type URL
HTTP Basic
HTTP Bearer


If your needs are simple and you only have one kind of authentication you can use express-authentication mixins trivially out of the box.

var express = require('express'),
	authentication = require('express-authentication'),
	app = express();

app.use(function myauth(req, res, next) {
	// provide the data that was used to authenticate the request; if this is
	// not set then no attempt to authenticate is registered.
	req.challenge = req.get('Authorization');

	req.authenticated = req.authentication === 'secret';

	// provide the result of the authentication; generally some kind of user
	// object on success and some kind of error as to why authentication failed
	// otherwise.
	if (req.authenticated) {
		req.authentication = { user: 'bob' };
	} else {
		req.authentication = { error: 'INVALID_API_KEY' };

	// That's it! You're done!

app.get('/secret', authentication.required(), function(req, res) {

If you want to use more than one authentication middleware then use the magic of contextualization.

var express = require('express'),
	authentication = require('express-authentication'),
	app = express();

var auth = authentication();

// Authentication is just middleware! The middleware must just obey a few rules;
// no need to include another library.
var api = auth.for('api').use(function(req, res, next) {

	// provide the data that was used to authenticate the request; if this is
	// not set then no attempt to authenticate is registered.
	req.challenge = req.get('Authorization');

	req.authenticated = req.authentication === 'secret';

	// provide the result of the authentication; generally some kind of user
	// object on success and some kind of error as to why authentication failed
	// otherwise.
	if (req.authenticated) {
		req.authentication = { user: 'bob' };
	} else {
		req.authentication = { error: 'INVALID_API_KEY' };

	// That's it! You're done!

var session = auth.for('session').use(function(req, res, next) {
	// ...

var facebook = auth.for('facebook').use(function(req, res, next) {
	// ...

// Allow session/api authentication to occur anywhere; that is to say someone
// can provide credentials for either kind of authentication and they will be
// accepted.

// Only allow facebook authentication to occur at the /facebook location.
app.use('/facebook', facebook);

// Ensure this route is only authenticated via session
app.get('/session', session.required());

// Allow anything to authenticate against this route
app.get('/any', auth.required());

// Invoke specific middleware when authentication either succeeds or fails
// which is much more powerful than passports `redirect` ability.
app.get('/handlers', api.succeeded(), redirect());
app.get('/handlers', session.succeeded(), redirect());
app.get('/handlers', auth.failed(), redirect());

// Get authentication data from middleware itself
app.get('/any', function(req, res) {

	// Get anything that was set
	var result = api.of(req);

	if (result.authenticated) {
		// Use


  • required - fail the route unless auth succeeded
  • succeeded - continue middleware chain only if auth succeeded
  • failed - continue middleware chain only if auth failed
  • tried - continue middleware chain only if auth tried
  • untried - continue middleware chain only if auth untried

Roll Your Own Middleware

// Authentication is just middleware! The middleware must just obey a few rules;
// no need to include another library.
function api(req, res, next) {

	// provide the data that was used to authenticate the request; if this is
	// not set then no attempt to authenticate is registered. if no data is
	// provided but you still wish to register an authentication attempt, set
	// this to true.
	req.challenge = req.get('Authorization');

	// provide the result of the authentication; true if it succeeded, false
	// if it did not.
	req.authenticated = req.authentication === 'secret';

	// provide the metadata of the authentication; generally some kind of user
	// object on success and some kind of error as to why authentication failed
	// otherwise.
	if (req.authenticated) {
		req.authentication = { user: 'bob' };
	} else {
		req.authentication = { error: 'INVALID_API_KEY' };

	// That's it! You're done!

// Let everyone use it.
module.exports = api;

Make sure you include us in your keywords and mark which version of the API you are compatible with in your package.json!

	"keywords": [ "express-authentication" ],
	"peerDependencies": {
		"express-authentication": "^0.3.0"

Differences to passport

Passport is very opinionated. Passport has more strategies available.

Passport loves sessions

express-authentication an authentication framework; we don't touch your sessions. passport (although possible to use without) pretty much assumes you're going to be using session-based authentication.

Passport strategies must extend base class

Passport strategies must always inherit from a base Strategy class; they are not middleware themselves.

passport strategy:

// passport strategy
function SessionStrategy() {; = 'session';
util.inherits(SessionStrategy, Strategy);

SessionStrategy.prototype.authenticate = function(req, options) {
	// ...

module.exports = SessionStrategy;

express-authentication middleware:

module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
	// ...

Passport delegation not possible

Authentication and actions from authentication results are tightly coupled in passport. It is not possible to delegate when authentication failure should occur.

passport delegation:

// passport binds actions
app.get('/login', passport.authenticate('provider', {
	successRedirect: '/',
	failureRedirect: '/login'

express-authentication delegation:

// express-authentication lets you do what you want
app.get('/login', provider.succeeded(), redirect('/'))
app.get('/login', provider.failed(), redirect('/login'))