Chris Turner
Chris Turner
> In our documentation, it is explained as an OR List > > Hi @shenshan - this is noted in the block: ```This section documents future intended behavior in...
Hello - We're currently planning on this in the next release (3.5) - For the moment, there the following approaches: 1) A structure array is interpreted as an OrList 2)...
should be implemented with #96
see also:
nice. should be able to use the existing prompt for this if it doesn't get an argument
I believe @eywalker is investigating the connection tracking - As for the RAM usage- MySQL will cache data in RAM across connections, and conceivably may cache beyond the limit of...
plan for now: cross-audit alter btw matlab/python; if good to go then include this in this release, else create issue for needed adjustments and reassign this issue to accompany
from datajoint slack questions channel today: ```Each table has methods such as addAttribute to add a new column, or dropAttribute to remove an attribute. Attribute = column.```
... am guessing we might want to rework the api similarly to - also, this likely implies a new function that saves the truncation step as seen in the...
next: to investigate & make proposal