Chris Turner
Chris Turner
also would be nice to catch write exceptions or have some way to disable non-critical logging (see also: #737 r.e. log table growth )- the following came up in the...
taking to review options to processlist
probably should be addressed along with #665
thanks for the detailed feedback @simon-ball . I think whatever 'official' solution is implemented would manage this automatically and hide user complexity (as @dimitri-yatsenko mentions ' In the future, we...
Thinking this could be handled via dj.config defaults, although that allows the potential for client configuration mismatches. I suppose the question is if we want this to be a global...
Re: per-field settings: this seems to 'take'. Documentation TBD. Re: database level - Thinking 2 options might be good: a) take from dj.config (good for overrides but implies dj.config needs...
also noted - a mechanism for character set collation at schema and table level should also be included with solution.
changed bug from : `support UTF8` to `Support making UTF8/Unicode configurable`; scope is beyond UTF8, level/understanding of 1st-tier support (e.g. tests, prioritizing issues, etc) for alternative configurations remains TBD.
```#! /usr/bin/env python import datajoint as dj def doq(c): return c.query('select connection_id();').fetchall() acq = dj.create_virtual_module('acq', 'ibl_acquisition') def dook(): for x in range(3): print(len(acq.Session())) def dofail(): print(acq.Session()) # 'dook()' seems to...
will investigate `` as temporary workaround while debug continues