gsync copied to clipboard
Download syncs fail
Looking at the code in but not able to pinpoint the reason form the following DEBUG: Exception('Got 0 bytes, expected 35403 bytes',): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/", line 150, in run self._walk(srcpath, self._walkCallback, self._dev) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/", line 124, in _walk self._sync(f) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/sync/", line 31, in call self._sync(path) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/sync/", line 188, in _sync self.dst.create(dstPath, srcFile) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/sync/file/", line 316, in create self.createFile(path, srcObj) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/sync/file/", line 219, in createFile self._updateFile(path, src) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libgsync/sync/file/local/", line 173, in _updateFile bytesWritten, fileSize
Error: Exception('Got 0 bytes, expected 35403 bytes',) sent 0 bytes received 0 bytes 0.00 bytes/sec
I start gysnc with both relative and abolute paths and recieve the same results each time, any ideas?
I'm getting the same thing when I try to upload. It's only started since I did a "sudo pip install --upgrade gsync", a few minutes ago.
$ sudo gsync -u -r -t -v --progress --delete -l -s /mnt/PERSONAL/Dane/WorkStuff/ drive://orchestrator/WorkStuff
DEBUG: ImportError('No module named uritemplate',): File "/usr/local/bin/gsync", line 55, in
Error: No module named uritemplate
I just tried uninstalling with "sudo pip uninstall gsync" and installing with "git clone ; cd gsync ; sudo ./ install", and got the same result.
If you follow the link to that is part of the error, it should tell you what Google is unhappy about.
In my case I used to much for one day.
I'm thinking this might be caused by something else.
Found a "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup." error in the cache files link for the files API.
If you
grep -R "selfLink" ~/.gsync/ | more
and look for the links and try them, I got the response from Google about a limit.
If you also get the key
Then we are all using the same key.
Thank you,