rockmongo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Rock mongo not creating new database when in mongod.conf set auth true

Open vlatkoodrljin opened this issue 10 years ago • 8 comments

I install mongoDB 2.6 on Ubuntu 14.04. Everything work fine except one thing. I create one user with root privileges for my MongoDB. Then I use rockmongo config.php like this:

On my server in mongod.conf i set auth: true (removed #).

Login in rockmongo work ok, but problem is when i try create new database, Rockmongo said: "New database created." but new database not exist.

vlatkoodrljin avatar Aug 24 '14 22:08 vlatkoodrljin

I have the same problem. Did you solve it somehow?

adambalint-srg avatar Nov 05 '14 14:11 adambalint-srg

No, I use tool from: :D

I have the same problem. Did you solve it somehow?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

vlatkoodrljin avatar Nov 05 '14 15:11 vlatkoodrljin

try to grant custom role as described here

ambienthack avatar Aug 26 '15 16:08 ambienthack

I have some problem, and i found solution. You can replace server.php and db.php and all it be work db.php `<?php


class DbController extends BaseController { /** database **/ public function doIndex() { $this->db = trim(xn("db"));

    $dbs = $this->_server->listDbs();
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($dbs["databases"] as $db) {
        if ($db["name"] == $this->db) {
            $ret = $db;

    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
    $collections = MDb::listCollections($db);

    $ret = array_merge($ret, $db->command(array("dbstats" => 1)));
    $ret["diskSize"] = "-";
    if (isset($ret["sizeOnDisk"])) {
        $ret["diskSize"] = r_human_bytes($ret["sizeOnDisk"]);
    if(isset($ret["dataSize"])) {
        $ret["dataSize"] = r_human_bytes($ret["dataSize"]);
    if(isset($ret["storageSize"])) {
        $ret["storageSize"] = r_human_bytes($ret["storageSize"]);
    if(isset($ret["indexSize"])) {
        $ret["indexSize"] = r_human_bytes($ret["indexSize"]);

    $this->stats = array();
    $this->stats["Size"] = $ret["diskSize"];
    $this->stats["Is Empty?"] = $ret["empty"] ? "Yes" : "No";
    if (empty($collections)) {
        $this->stats["Collections"] = count($collections) . " collections:";
        $this->stats["Collections"] .= "<br/>No collections yet";
    else {
        $key = "Collections<br/>[<a href=\"" . $this->path("db.dropDbCollections", array( "db" => $this->db )) . "\" onclick=\"return window.confirm('Are you sure to drop all collections in the db?')\"><u>Drop All</u></a>]<br/>[<a href=\"" . $this->path("clearDbCollections", array( "db" => $this->db )) . "\" onclick=\"return window.confirm('Are you sure to clear all records in all collections?')\"><u>Clear All</u></a>]";
        $this->stats[$key] = count($collections) . " collections:";
        foreach ($collections as $collection) {
            $this->stats[$key] .= "<br/><a href=\""
                . $this->path("collection.index", array( "db" => $this->db, "collection" => $collection->getName())) . "\">" . $collection->getName() . "</a>";
    if(isset($ret["objects"])) {
        $this->stats["Objects"] = $ret["objects"];
    if (isset($ret["avgObjSize"])) {
        $this->stats["Avg Object Size"] = r_human_bytes($ret["avgObjSize"]);
    if(isset($ret["dataSize"])) {
        $this->stats["Data Size"] = $ret["dataSize"];
    if(isset($ret["storageSize"])) {
        $this->stats["Storage Size"] = $ret["storageSize"];
    if(isset($ret["numExtents"])) {
        $this->stats["Extents"] = $ret["numExtents"];
    if(isset($ret["indexes"])) {
        $this->stats["Indexes"] = $ret["indexes"];
    if(isset($ret["indexSize"])) {
        $this->stats["Index Size"] = r_human_bytes($ret["indexSize"]);
    if (isset($ret["fileSize"])) {
        $this->stats["Total File Size"] = r_human_bytes($ret["fileSize"]);
    if (isset($ret["nsSizeMB"])) {
        $this->stats["Namespace Size"] = $ret["nsSizeMB"] . "m";
    if (isset($ret["dataFileVersion"])) {
        $this->stats["Data File Version"] = $this->_highlight($ret["dataFileVersion"], "json");
    if (isset($ret["extentFreeList"])) {
        $this->stats["Extent Free List"] = $this->_highlight($ret["extentFreeList"], "json");


/** transfer db collections from one server to another **/
public function doDbTransfer() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
    $this->collections = $db->listCollections();
    $this->servers = $this->_admin->servers();

    $this->selectedCollections = array();
    if (!$this->isPost()) {
        $this->selectedCollections[] = xn("collection");
        x("copy_indexes", 1);
        $this->target_host = "";
        $this->target_sock = "";
        $this->target_port = 27017;
        $this->target_auth = 0;
        $this->target_username = "";
        $this->target_password = "";
    else {
        $this->target_host = trim(xn("target_host"));
        $this->target_sock = trim(xn("target_sock"));
        $this->target_port = xi("target_port");
        $this->target_auth = xi("target_auth");
        $this->target_username = trim(xn("target_username"));
        $this->target_password = trim(xn("target_password"));

        $checkeds = xn("checked");
        if (is_array($checkeds)) {
            $this->selectedCollections = array_keys($checkeds);
        if (empty($checkeds)) {
            $this->error = "Please select collections which you want to transfer.";
        if (empty($this->target_host) && empty($this->target_sock)) {
            $this->error = "Target host must not be empty.";
        $copyIndexes = xi("copy_indexes");
        /**if ($target === "") {
            $this->error = "Please enter a valid database name.";

        //start to transfer
        $targetOptions = array();
        if ($this->target_auth) {
            $targetOptions["username"] = $this->target_username;
            $targetOptions["password"] = $this->target_password;
        $uri = null;
        if ($this->target_sock) {
            $uri = "mongodb://" . $this->target_sock;
        else {
            $uri = "mongodb://" . $this->target_host . ":" . $this->target_port;
        $targetConnection = new RMongo($uri, $targetOptions);
        $targetDb = $targetConnection->selectDB($this->db);
        if ($this->target_auth) {
            // "authenticate" can only be used between 1.0.1 - 1.2.11
            if (RMongo::compareVersion("1.0.1") >= 0 && RMongo::compareVersion("1.2.11") < 0) {
                $targetDb->authenticate($this->target_username, $this->target_password);
        $errors = array();
        foreach ($this->selectedCollections as $collectionName) {
            $ret = $targetDb->command(array(
                "cloneCollection" => $this->db . "." . $collectionName,
                "from" =>  $this->_server->uri(),
                "copyIndexes" => (bool)$copyIndexes
            if (!$ret["ok"]) {
                $errors[] = MMongo::readException($ret);
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $this->error = implode("<br/>", $errors);

        $this->message = "All data were transfered to '{$this->target_host}' successfully.";


/** export db **/
public function doDbExport() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
    $this->collections = MDb::listCollections($db);
    $this->selectedCollections = array();
    if (!$this->isPost()) {
        $this->selectedCollections[] = xn("collection");
    else {
        $checkeds = xn("checked");
        $canDownload = xn("can_download");
        if (is_array($checkeds)) {
            $this->selectedCollections = array_keys($checkeds);


        $this->contents =  "";
        $this->countRows = 0;

        foreach ($this->selectedCollections as $collection) {
            $collObj = $db->selectCollection($collection);
            $infos = $collObj->getIndexInfo();
            foreach ($infos as $info) {
                $options = array();
                if (isset($info["unique"])) {
                    $options["unique"] = $info["unique"];
                $exportor = new VarExportor($db, $info["key"]);
                $exportor2 = new VarExportor($db, $options);
                $this->contents .= "\n/** {$collection} indexes **/\ndb.getCollection(\"" . addslashes($collection) . "\").ensureIndex(" . $exportor->export(MONGO_EXPORT_JSON) . "," . $exportor2->export(MONGO_EXPORT_JSON) . ");\n";

        foreach ($this->selectedCollections as $collection) {
            $cursor = $db->selectCollection($collection)->find();
            $this->contents .= "\n/** " . $collection  . " records **/\n";
            foreach ($cursor as $one) {
                $this->countRows ++;
                $exportor = new VarExportor($db, $one);
                $this->contents .= "db.getCollection(\"" . addslashes($collection) . "\").insert(" . $exportor->export(MONGO_EXPORT_JSON) . ");\n";
        if (x("can_download")) {
            $prefix = "mongo-" . urlencode($this->db) . "-" . date("Ymd-His");

            if (x("gzip")) {
                header("Content-type: application/x-gzip");
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$prefix}.gz\"");
                echo gzcompress($this->contents, 9);
            else {
                header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$prefix}.js\"");
                echo $this->contents;


/** import db **/
public function doDbImport() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    if ($this->isPost()) {
        $format = x("format");
        if (!empty($_FILES["json"]["tmp_name"])) {
            $tmp = $_FILES["json"]["tmp_name"];

            //read file by it's format
            $body = "";
            if (preg_match("/\\.gz$/", $_FILES["json"]["name"])) {
                $body = gzuncompress(file_get_contents($tmp));
            else {
                $body = file_get_contents($tmp);

            //check format

            $ret = array("ok" => 0);
            if ($format == "js") {
                $ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db)->execute('function (){ ' . $body . ' }');

                if (!$ret["ok"]) {
                    $this->error = $ret["errmsg"];
                else {
                    $this->message = "All data import successfully.";
            else {
                $collection = trim(xn("collection"));
                if ($collection === "") {
                    $this->error2 = "Please enter the collection name";
                else {
                    $lines = explode("\n", $body);
                    foreach ($lines as $line) {
                        $line = trim($line);
                        if ($line) {
                            $ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db)->execute('function (c, o){ o=eval("(" + o + ")"); db.getCollection(c).insert(o); }', array( $collection, $line ));

                    if (!$ret["ok"]) {
                        $this->error2 = $ret["errmsg"];
                    else {
                        $this->message2 = "All data import successfully.";

        else {
            if ($format == "js") {
                $this->error = "Either no file input or file is too large to upload.";
            else {
                $this->error2 = "Either no file input or file is too large to upload.";


/** db profiling **/
public function doProfile() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    $query = new RQuery($this->_mongo, $this->db, "system.profile");
    $page = new RPageStyle1();
    $this->page = $page;

    $this->rows = $query
    foreach ($this->rows as $index => $row) {
        $this->rows[$index]["text"] = $this->_highlight($row, "json");


/** change db profiling level **/
public function doProfileLevel() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
    $query1 = $db->execute("function (){ return db.getProfilingLevel(); }");
    $this->level = $query1["retval"];
    if (x("go") == "save_level") {
        $level = xi("level");
        $slowms = xi("slowms");
        $db->execute("function(level,slowms) { db.setProfilingLevel(level,slowms); }", array($level, $slowms));
        $this->level = $level;
    else {
        x("slowms", 50);

/** clear profiling data **/
public function doClearProfile() {
    $this->db = xn("db");
    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);

    $query1 = $db->execute("function (){ return db.getProfilingLevel(); }");
    $oldLevel = $query1["retval"];
    $db->execute("function(level) { db.setProfilingLevel(level); }", array(0));
    $ret = $db->selectCollection("system.profile")->drop();
    $db->execute("function(level) { db.setProfilingLevel(level); }", array($oldLevel));

    $this->redirect("db.profile", array(
        "db" => $this->db

/** authentication **/
public function doAuth() {
    $this->db = xn("db");
    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);

    $collection = $db->selectCollection("system.users");
    $cursor = $collection->find();
    $this->users= array();
    while($cursor->hasNext()) {
        $this->users[] = $cursor->getNext();


/** delete user **/
public function doDeleteUser() {
    $this->db = xn("db");
    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);

    $db->execute("function (username){ db.removeUser(username); }", array(xn("user")));
    $this->redirect("db.auth", array(
        "db" => $this->db

/** add user **/
public function doAddUser() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    if (!$this->isPost()) {

    $username = trim(xn("username"));
    $password = trim(xn("password"));
    $password2 = trim(xn("password2"));
    if ($username == "") {
        $this->error = "You must supply a username for user.";
    if ($password == "") {
        $this->error = "You must supply a password for user.";
    if ($password != $password2) {
        $this->error = "Passwords you typed twice is not same.";
    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);

    $command = array(
"createUser" => $username,
"pwd"        => $password,
"roles"      => array
    array("role" => "readWrite", "db" => $this->db)
$db->command( $command );

    $this->redirect("auth", array(
        "db" => $this->db

/** create new collection **/
public function doNewCollection() {
    $this->db = xn("db");
    $this->name = trim(xn("name"));
    $this->isCapped = xi("is_capped");
    $this->size = xi("size");
    $this->max = xi("max");

    if ($this->isPost()) {
        $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);

        MCollection::createCollection($db, $this->name, array(
            "capped" => $this->isCapped,
            "size" => $this->size,
            "max" => $this->max
        $this->message = "New collection is created. <a href=\"?action=collection.index&db={$this->db}&collection={$this->name}\">[GO &raquo;]</a>";

        //add index
        if (!$this->isCapped) {
            $db->selectCollection($this->name)->ensureIndex(array( "_id" => 1 ));


/** drop all collections in a db **/
public function doDropDbCollections() {
    $this->db = xn("db");
    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
    foreach ($db->listCollections() as $collection) {
    echo '<script language="javascript">

window.parent.frames["left"].location.reload(); '; $this->redirect("db.index", array( "db" => $this->db ), true); }

/** clear all records in all collections **/
public function doClearDbCollections() {
    $this->db = xn("db");
    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
    foreach ($db->listCollections() as $collection) {
    echo '<script language="javascript">

window.parent.frames["left"].location.reload(); '; $this->redirect("db.index", array( "db" => $this->db ), true); }

/** repair dataase **/
public function doRepairDatabase() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB($this->db);
    $ret = $db->command(array( "repairDatabase" => 1 ));
    //$ret = $db->execute('function (){ return db.repairDatabase(); }'); //occure error in current version, we did not know why?
    $this->ret = $this->_highlight($ret, "json");

/** drop database **/
public function doDropDatabase() {
    $this->db = xn("db");

    if (!x("confirm")) {

    $ret = $this->_mongo->dropDB($this->db);
    $this->ret = $this->_highlight($ret, "json");




class ServerController extends BaseController { /** server infomation **/ public function doIndex() { $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB("admin");

    //command line
    try {
        $query = $db->command(array("getCmdLineOpts" => 1));
        if (isset($query["argv"])) {
            $this->commandLine = implode(" ", $query["argv"]);
        else {
            $this->commandLine = "";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $this->commandLine = "";

    //web server
    $this->webServers = array();
    if (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"])) {
        list($webServer) = explode(" ", $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]);
        $this->webServers["Web server"] = $webServer;
    $this->webServers["<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PHP version</a>"] = "PHP " . PHP_VERSION;
    $this->webServers["<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PHP extension</a>"] = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">mongo</a>/" . RMongo::getVersion();

    $this->directives = ini_get_all("mongo");

    //build info
    $this->buildInfos = array();
    try {
        $ret = $db->command(array("buildinfo" => 1));
        if ($ret["ok"]) {
            $this->buildInfos = $ret;
    } catch (Exception $e) {


    $this->connections = array(
        "Host" => $this->_server->mongoHost(),
        "Port" => $this->_server->mongoPort(),
        "Username" => "******",
        "Password" => "******"


/** Server Status **/
public function doStatus() {
    $this->status = array();

    try {
        $db = $this->_mongo->selectDB("admin");
        $ret = $db->command(array("serverStatus" => 1));
        if ($ret["ok"]) {
            $this->status = $ret;
            foreach ($this->status as $index => $_status) {
                $json = $this->_highlight($_status, "json");
                if ($index == "uptime") {//we convert it to days
                    if ($_status >= 86400) {
                        $json .= "s (" . ceil($_status/86400) . "days)";
                $this->status[$index] =  $json;
    } catch (Exception $e) {



/** show databases **/
public function doDatabases() {
    $ret = $this->_server->listDbs();
    $this->dbs = $ret["databases"];
    foreach ($this->dbs as $index => $db) {
        $mongodb = $this->_mongo->selectDB($db["name"]);
        $ret = $mongodb->command(array("dbstats" => 1));
        $ret["collections"] = count(MDb::listCollections($mongodb));
        if (isset($db["sizeOnDisk"])) {
            $ret["diskSize"] = r_human_bytes($db["sizeOnDisk"]);
            $ret["dataSize"] = r_human_bytes($ret["dataSize"]);
        else {
            $ret["diskSize"] = "-";
            $ret["dataSize"] = "-";
        $ret["storageSize"] = r_human_bytes($ret["storageSize"]);
        $ret["indexSize"] = r_human_bytes($ret["indexSize"]);
        $this->dbs[$index] = array_merge($this->dbs[$index], $ret);

    $this->dbs = rock_array_sort($this->dbs, "name");

/** execute command **/
public function doCommand() {
    $ret = $this->_server->listDbs();
    $this->dbs = $ret["databases"];

    if (!$this->isPost()) {
        x("command", json_format("{listCommands:1}"));
        if (!x("db")) {
            x("db", "admin");

    if ($this->isPost()) {
        $command = xn("command");
        $format = x("format");
        if ($format == "json") {
            $command =  $this->_decodeJson($command);
        else {
            $eval = new VarEval($command);
            $command = $eval->execute();
        if (!is_array($command)) {
            $this->message = "You should send a valid command";
        $this->ret = $this->_highlight($this->_mongo->selectDB(xn("db"))->command($command), $format);

/** execute code **/
public function doExecute() {
    $ret = $this->_server->listDbs();
    $this->dbs = $ret["databases"];
    if (!$this->isPost()) {
        if (!x("db")) {
            x("db", "admin");
        x("code", 'function () {

var plus = 1 + 2; return plus; }'); } if ($this->isPost()) { $code = trim(xn("code")); $arguments = xn("argument"); if (!is_array($arguments)) { $arguments = array(); } else { $this->arguments = $arguments; foreach ($arguments as $index => $argument) { $argument = trim($argument); $array = $this->_decodeJson($argument); $arguments[$index] = $array; } } $ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB(xn("db"))->execute($code, $arguments); $this->ret = $this->_highlight($ret, "json"); } $this->display(); }

/** processlist **/
public function doProcesslist() {
    $this->progs = array();

    try {
        $query = $this->_mongo->selectDB("admin")->execute('function (){
            return db.$cmd.sys.inprog.find({ $all:1 }).next();

        if ($query["ok"]) {
            $this->progs = $query["retval"]["inprog"];
        foreach ($this->progs as $index => $prog) {
            foreach ($prog as $key=>$value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $this->progs[$index][$key] = $this->_highlight($value, "json");
    } catch (Exception $e) {


/** kill one operation in processlist **/
public function doKillOp() {
    $opid = xi("opid");
    $query = $this->_mongo->selectDB("admin")->execute('function (opid){
        return db.killOp(opid);
    }', array( $opid ));
    if ($query["ok"]) {
    $this->ret = $this->_highlight($query, "json");

/** create databse **/
public function doCreateDatabase() {
    if ($this->isPost()) {
        $name = trim(xn("name"));
        if (empty($name)) {
            $this->error = "Please input a valid database name.";
        $this->message = "New database created.";


/** replication status **/
public function doReplication() {
    $this->status = array();

    try {
        $ret = $this->_mongo->selectDB("local")->execute('function () { return db.getReplicationInfo(); }');
        $status = isset($ret["retval"]) ? $ret["retval"] : array();
        if (isset($ret["retval"]["errmsg"])) {
            $this->status["errmsg"] = $ret["retval"]["errmsg"];
        else {
            foreach ($status as $param => $value) {
                if ($param == "logSizeMB") {
                    $this->status["Configured oplog size"] = $value . "m";
                else if ($param == "timeDiff") {
                    $this->status["Log length start to end"] = $value . "secs (" . $status["timeDiffHours"] . "hrs)";
                else if ($param == "tFirst") {
                    $this->status["Oplog first event time"] = $value;
                else if ($param == "tLast") {
                    $this->status["Oplog last event time"] = $value;
                else if ($param == "now") {
                    $this->status["Now"] = $value;
    } catch (Exception $e) {


    $this->slaves = array();

    try {
        $query = $this->_mongo->selectDB("local")->selectCollection("slaves")->find();
        foreach ($query as $one) {
            foreach ($one as $param=>$value) {
                if ($param == "syncedTo") {
                    $one[$param] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $value->sec) . "." . $value->inc;
            $this->slaves[] = $one;
    } catch (Exception $e) {


    $this->masters = array();
    try {
        $query = $this->_mongo->selectDB("local")->selectCollection("sources")->find();
        foreach ($query as $one) {
            foreach ($one as $param=>$value) {
                if ($param == "syncedTo" || $param == "localLogTs") {
                    if ($value->inc > 0) {
                        $one[$param] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $value->sec) . "." . $value->inc;
            $this->masters[] = $one;
    } catch (Exception $e) {


    try {
        $this->me = $this->_mongo->selectDB("local")->selectCollection("me")->findOne();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $this->me = array();




backdooooor avatar Feb 15 '16 05:02 backdooooor

I face same problem when use Bitnami MEAN stack. (version at current time)

donhuvy avatar Mar 09 '16 06:03 donhuvy

anyone have solution for MEAN stack?

facing problem same here

kartikrangholiya avatar May 15 '16 08:05 kartikrangholiya

I also faced same problem when used Bitnami Mean stack in google cloud, i configured mongodb.conf to bind-addr and open firewall rule for port 27017 to only my ip. After that i used robomongo and created my new database.

rupeshp2 avatar Oct 03 '16 07:10 rupeshp2

Vote on this issue please #133

stefanocudini avatar Aug 22 '17 01:08 stefanocudini