RPCircularProgress icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RPCircularProgress copied to clipboard

(Swift) Circular progress UIView subclass with UIProgressView properties

Results 5 RPCircularProgress issues
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Updating progress `updateProgress(1.0)` calls `animate()` eventually leading to `progressLayer.add(animation, forKey: AnimationKeys.progress)` This leads to high CPU use due system calling `draw()` repeatedly even after the animation has finished and the...

Adds support of swift package manager

How can I use `RPCircularProgress` with SwiftUI?

First of all, thank you for sharing your awesome work! While I was using your library, I noticed that I get a little dot on my view when I set...


When i press my home button to turn my app to background, my circular progress completion handler is directly executed without waiting the already set duration . Any solution ?

help wanted