react-native-image-crop-picker copied to clipboard
react-native-crop-image-picker openCamera() crashes the application.
Tell us which versions you are using:
- react-native-image-crop-picker ^0.35.2
- react-native 0.63.3
Tell us to which platform this issue is related
- Android
app crashes on android platform when picture is taken in horizontal mode
@iamabdulhaseeb @shailesh702 any specific device where it crash? or it crash on simulator I had similar crash when camera changed to horizontal mode in Huawei device mainly because the specific device does not implement rotation flag correctly. I am not sure whether it's the same issue with both of you
@sergioutama app crashes in Moto G 3, if you need to talk about it my email is [email protected]
Only horizontal case isnt the issue. I am captuing in portrait mode but still crashing!
Same issue, app crashes when picture is taken in horizontal mode
Galaxy a32 5g, crush too now