Hi guys We working with the rack scheme and circuit module, which helps us a lot, but on the circuits tab in the device list, the ID is in the...
Hi guys On cluster configurations, like two firewall, there is a cluster IP address in the subnet, but it's only possible to assign the entry to one device. It would...
Hi I have something similar to https://github.com/PKISolutions/PSPKI/issues/111: With Get-CertificationAuthority, I got a "The given path's format is not supported." Error (UNC Path): ``` PS C:\windows\system32> Import-module -Name PSPKI -Prefix PSPKI...
Hi The exported value "msPKI-RA-Application-Policies" will not imported with New-ADCSTemplate. After I add in ADCSTemplate.psm1 a new line after #327: ` 'msPKI-RA-Application-Policies',` it works. gruss ivo
Hi all I struggling with the user registration part "matrix-registration" and "matrix-registration-bot". If I setup a complete new server and I set the matrix_bot_matrix_registration_bot_enabled to "true", the script can't add...
Hi According to [README](https://github.com/nextcloud/ansible-collection-nextcloud-admin/tree/main/roles/install_nextcloud#applications-installation) - it should be possible to declare the conf: without the source: ``` nextcloud_apps: app_name_3: # Download from nextcloud official app-store conf: parameter1: ldap:\/\/ldapsrv parameter2: another_value...
Hi If we add (or remove) some parameters after the installation in "nextcloud_config_settings", it has only an effect on the 1st installation process, but not on a run after the...
Hi We use the php-client API , but struggling with the die() after a cURL exception: https://github.com/phpipam/phpipam-api-clients/blob/74d67c44dd2221f880917678929c9e6b71b7c4a4/php-client/class.phpipam-api.php#LL266C15-L266C15 If the IPAM server is not reachable or other error occurs, we would...
Hi Since FreeOTP v2 it's no longer working, because they changed the format. Is there a solution? Ivo
Hi ...I just jumped to the next blocker... While this is working fine with the whole disk: ``` microceph disk add /dev/vdi --wipe --encrypt ``` I can't use a partition...